Team meeting templates
Run engaging meetings and transform everyone into active participants with Miro's Team Meetings templates collection. Our easy-to-use interface and low learning curve allow people to easily interact, collaborate and align. Use the meeting agenda to kick off projects and use meeting notes to have one source of truth.
Icebreaker Template
Works best for:
There’s no better way to kickoff a meeting or workshop than by building comfort and familiarity between your guests — to put them at ease and get them ready to participate and collaborate. That’s just the kind of human connection that icebreakers create, which make them great for remote gatherings or introducing new team members. There are many icebreakers to choose from, including: Describe yourself in one word. Share a photo of yourself as a baby. And if you were an animal, what would you be?
Effective Meeting Template by Zoom
Works best for:
Team Meetings
Run effective meetings and keep everyone focused with Zoom’s Effective Meeting Template. Bring structure and creativity to every online meeting.
Project Kickoff Template
Works best for:
Project Management, Documentation, Meetings
This Project Kickoff Meeting Template helps you have all the information about your project in one shared space, like a project manifesto. This template has seven activities to define your project’s goals and objectives, the team’s roles and responsibilities, and the next steps and resource materials for further consultation. Use the Project Kickoff Meeting Template to manage projects effectively and keep everyone aligned.
Lean Coffee Template
Works best for:
Agile Methodology, Product Management, Meetings
What makes a great meeting (other than donuts)? It’s appreciating everyone’s skills, resources, and time by making the very best use of them. That’s what the Lean Coffee approach is designed to do. Great for team brainstorms and retrospectives, Lean Coffee breaks the meeting into three basic stages: what to discuss, what’s being discussed, and what’s been discussed. This template makes it easy for you to collect sticky notes and to update the columns as you go from topic to topic.
One-on-one Meeting Template
Works best for:
Ensure your meetings are productive by using a one-on-one meeting template. Create and stick to your agenda items, understand what’s going well, what isn’t working, and how to improve. Discuss what’s been accomplished and what’s still in progress.
Daily Stand-up Meeting Template
Works best for:
Agile Methodology, Meetings, Software Development
The entire team meets to review the day before and discuss the day ahead. These daily meetings, also known as “scrums,” are brief but powerful — they identify roadblocks, give each team member a voice, foster collaboration, keep progress on track, and ultimately keep teams working together effectively. This template makes it so easy for you to plan daily standups for your sprint team. It all starts with picking a date and time, creating an agenda, and sticking with the same format throughout the sprint.
Start, Stop, Continue Template
Works best for:
Retrospectives, Meetings, Workshops
Giving and receiving feedback can be challenging and intimidating. It’s hard to look back over a quarter or even a week and parse a set of decisions into “positive” and “negative.” The Start Stop Continue framework was created to make it easier to reflect on your team’s recent experiences. The Start Stop Continue template encourages teams to look at specific actions they should start doing, stop doing, and continue doing. Together, collaborators agree on the most important steps to be more productive and successful.
REAN Template
Works best for:
Marketing, Strategic Planning, Meetings
First introduced in Cult of Analytics, the REAN model is used to measure and understand the efficacy of marketing efforts. REAN stands for Reach, Engage, Activate, and Nurture, the main stages a marketer’s audiences experience during a typical journey. The REAN model helps marketing teams develop useful KPIs that can help capture how well their marketing or ad campaigns are working. Many teams rely on the REAN model because it is adaptable to a variety of marketing efforts, including planning measurement frameworks, setting goals, deciding on objectives, and mapping digital marketing channels.
Funding Tracker Template
Works best for:
Kanban Boards, Operations
For many organizations, especially non-profits, funding is their lifeblood—and meeting fundraising goals is a crucial part of carrying out their mission. A funding tracker gives them a powerful, easy-to-use tool for measuring their progress and staying on course. And beyond helping you visualize milestones, this template will give you an effective way to inspire the public to donate, and help you keep track of those donors. It’s especially useful when you have multiple donations coming from a variety of sources.
Team Meeting Agenda Template
Works best for:
Documentation, Team Meetings, Workshops
Making the time for your team is important to help you to make decisions, align on priorities, and move in the same direction together. Team meeting agendas help add a schedule and structure to your allocated time slot when you need to share information and collaborate with your team. They also allow your team to agree on goals, talking points, action items, and who will lead the next steps. Uninterrupted team meeting time with an agenda can help your team review progress against OKRs, share updates, discuss roadblocks, and brainstorm ideas.
Meeting Reflection Template
Works best for:
Meetings, Brainstorming, Team Meetings
When schedules get hectic, “learning by doing” becomes the default way to learn. So make time for your team to learn in other valuable ways — by reflecting and listening. Led by “learners,” (team members who share with the rest of the team), a meeting reflection lets teammates share new information about a client’s business or an internal business initiative, offer problem-solving techniques, or even recommend books or podcasts worth checking out. Meeting reflections also encourage colleagues at all levels to engage in each other’s professional development of their teammates.
Mad Sad Glad Retrospective
Works best for:
Brainstorming, Ideation
It's tempting to measure a sprint’s success solely by whether goals and timelines were met. But there’s another important success metric: emotions. And Mad Sad Glad is a popular, effective technique for teams to explore and share their emotions after a sprint. That allows you to highlight the positive, underline the concerns, and decide how to move forward as a team. This template makes it easy to conduct a Mad Sad Glad that helps you build trust, improve team morale, and increase engagement.
Alignment Chart Template
Works best for:
Desk Research, Brainstorming, Team Meetings
The alignment chart originated in the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game to allow players to categorize their characters according to their ethical and moral perspectives. Since then, people around the world have begun to use the alignment chart as a fun way to describe their own characteristics and personas, as well as fictional characters, famous people, and much more. In the conventional set-up, you figure out your placement in the alignment chart based on your views on law, chaoss, good, and evil. But you can adapt the alignment chart to reflect any characteristics you wish to use to create personas.
Social Media Calendar Template
Works best for:
Project Planning, Marketing
Most businesses have a social media presence, but many of them aren’t using social media as a competitive differentiator. The Social Media Calendar template allows you to plan, schedule, and craft posts for LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, so you can leverage social media as a strategic tool to promote your brand. Use the Social Media Calendar template to plan out your social content a week, month, or quarter in advance. Collaborate with the marketing team, prepare for product launches and major initiatives, and share draft social posts.
Dot Voting Template
Works best for:
Decision Making, Meetings, Workshops
Dot voting, also known as “sticker voting,” “dotmocracy,” or “voting with dots”, allows teams to point out issues in a series of potential solutions or to prioritize tasks when presented with various options. Dot voting is different from the default “one-share” or “one-vote” rule. Instead, each person in the group is given as many votes (or “points”) as can be filled. Those votes can either all be cast for one idea, or distributed among many ideas. You can use dot voting any time your team prioritizes options or agrees on a direction to take for a high-stakes project.
Agenda Template
Works best for:
Project Management, Meetings, Workshops
Even when you’ve hosted meetings for years, hosting them online is different. Keeping them structured, purposeful, and on-task is key. That all starts with having a detailed agenda, and this template makes it so easy for you to create one.
Manual of Me Template
Works best for:
Organizational Design
The Manual of Me template helps express personal and professional characteristics. It promotes better communication and reduces misunderstandings. This enhances productivity and fosters a more harmonious environment. The template acts as a bridge for understanding unique approaches and facilitates respectful collaboration.
Johari Window Model
Works best for:
Leadership, Meetings, Retrospectives
Understanding — it’s the key to trusting others better and yourself better as well. Built on that idea, a Johari Window is a framework designed to enhance team understanding by getting participants to fill in four quadrants, each of which reveals something they might not know about themselves or about others. Use this template to conduct a Johari Window exercise when you’re experiencing organizational growth, to deepen cross-functional or intra-team connections, help employees communicate better, and cultivate empathy.
Reverse Brainstorming Template
Works best for:
Ideation, Brainstorming, Team Meetings
Reverse brainstorming is a technique that prompts a group to think of problems, rather than solutions. Because we naturally think of problems, it’s a great way to get a group to anticipate problems that may occur during a project. To engage in reverse brainstorming, start by identifying the problem, and then think of things that might exacerbate it. Ask your team to generate ideas around ways in which the problem could get worse. Reverse the problems into solutions again, and then evaluate your ideas.
Pros and Cons List Template
Works best for:
Decision Making, Documentation, Strategic Planning
A pros and cons list is a simple but powerful decision-making tool used to help understand both sides of an argument. Pros are listed as arguments in favor of making a particular decision or action. Cons are listed arguments against it. By creating a list that details both sides of the argument, it becomes easier to visualize the potential impact of your decision. To make your pros and cons list even more objective, it can help to weight each pro and con against the others. You can then present your decision with confidence, making a strong argument for why it’s the right one.
Plus Delta Template
Works best for:
Software Development, Meetings, Retrospectives
The Plus Delta template is a simple but powerful tool for collecting constructive criticism from a group. The format encourages you and your team to focus on what went well, what you should repeat in the future, and what you should aim to change. To complete a Plus Delta template, simply make note of things that are working and things you would like to improve. You can then file these elements into two separate columns. Use Plus Delta to showcase wins and learnings for your team, stakeholders, employees, and bosses.
Meeting Organizer Template
Works best for:
Meetings, Workshops, Project Planning
When it comes to ideas generated during a meeting, you want quantity AND quality. So why choose? Our meeting organizer template will maximize your meeting’s chances of yielding lots of great ideas. It will give you a simple, efficient way to design any activity (including meetings and daily planning) and make sure remote teammates know just what the meeting aims to accomplish. And you can give your meeting organizer power by connecting Miro to your favorite apps and services: Atlassian’s JIRA, Google Drive, Slack, Trello, DropBox and OneDrive.
About Me Template
Works best for:
Meetings, Operations, Management
The About Me Template is a comprehensive tool designed to help individuals compile and present both personal and professional details. One of its standout benefits is the structured format, which not only ensures a polished and professional appearance but also lets users convey their narratives with clarity and consistency, making a memorable impression on viewers.
Meeting Notes Template
Works best for:
Business Management, Meetings
When your meeting is a success (and Miro will help make sure it is), participation will run high, brilliant ideas will be had, and decisions will be made. Make sure you don’t miss a single one — use our meeting notes template to track notes and feedback in a centralized place that the whole team can access. Just assign a notetaker before the meeting, identify the discussion topics, and let the notetaker take down the participants, important points covered, and any decisions made.
Keynote Presentation Template
Works best for:
Presentations, Workshops
Designed to create enthusiasm and build knowledge about a specific topic, keynote presentations are more powerful than most people think. With them, you get to inspire and unify an audience with a common purpose. We give you an easy way to do this — just use our Keynote Presentation Template to create your own captivating presentation.
Huddle Board Template
Works best for:
The Huddle Board Template is a digital and interactive tool that fosters seamless team collaboration. Mimicking the traditional physical boards used in office environments provides a visual platform where teams can organize tasks, share updates, and track progress. One standout benefit of this template is its real-time collaboration feature. With it, team members can instantly share feedback, change tasks, or raise queries, ensuring everyone is aligned and updated, significantly reducing miscommunication and streamlining project execution.
Lesson Reflection Template
Works best for:
Education, Meetings
The Lesson Reflection template is a tool to create space for self-reflection and improvement. Students can evaluate the key takeaways from a lesson and what are the topics they find most interesting. As teachers receive the student’s Lesson Reflection, they can look for opportunities to improve learning and teaching methodologies. The Lesson Reflection template can help you facilitate the educational process, and it’s easy to use and straightforward.
Simple Presentation Template
Works best for:
Designed to remove the clutter and communicate the most important information in a clear and visually appealing way, our Simple Presentation Template will keep your audience’s eyes glued to the screen and their ears tuned into your voice — without having to add any fancy bells or whistles.
Presentation Template
Works best for:
Presentations, Education
At some point during your career, you’ll probably have to give a presentation. Presentations typically involve speaking alongside an accompanying slide deck that contains visuals, texts, and graphics to illustrate your topic. Take the stress out of presentation planning by using this presentation template to easily create effective, visually appealing slides. The presentation template can take the pressure off by helping your audience stay focused and engaged. Using simple tools, customize a slide deck, share slides with your team, get feedback, and collaborate.
Breakout Group Template
Works best for:
Education, Team Meetings, Workshops
Breakout groups provide an excellent opportunity for teammates to have candid conversations and connect on a more intimate level than is possible during a broader meeting. When you’re in a large group setting, it can be difficult for people to feel safe or comfortable speaking up. In a smaller group, participants can feel safer sharing their ideas. Since the group is more intimate, teams are empowered to participate rather than observe.
Three-Hour Brand Sprint Template
Works best for:
Marketing, Workshops, Sprint Planning
Before customers will believe in your brand, your team has to believe. That’s where brand sprints work wonders. Popularized by the team at Google Ventures, a brand sprint will help your team sort through all different ideas about your brand and align on your brand’s fundamental building blocks—your values, audience, personality, mission statement, roadmap, and more. Whether you’re building a new brand or revamping an existing one, brand sprints are ideal for trigger events such as naming your company, designing a logo, hiring an agency, or writing a manifesto.
UX Presentation Template
Works best for:
Presentations, UX Design
Create a stunning UX presentation with Miro’s memorable slide deck. Customize your slide deck to display your UX research in the perfect format for your audience. Add charts, images, and visuals to present your findings.
Works best for:
Ideation, Operations, Brainstorming
Is your team in a rut? Have you had a lingering problem that can’t seem to be solved? First introduced in 1972, SCAMPER. is a brainstorming method developed by Bob Eberle, an author of creativity books for young people. This clever, easy-to-use method helps teams overcome creative roadblocks. SCAMPER walks you through seven questions that are meant to encourage your team to approach a problem through seven unique filters. By asking your team to think through a problem using this framework, you’ll unlock fresh, innovative ways to understand the problem you’re trying to solve.
Sticky Note Packs Template
Works best for:
Brainstorming, Meetings, Workshops
Use Miro’s Stickies Packs template to facilitate your brainstorming and group sessions. Use them to organize your ideas, collaborate as a team, and encourage participation from everyone involved.
Company Vision Presentation Template
Works best for:
Presentations, Business Management
Creating or reimagining a company vision is just half the battle. You also need to make sure that your employees and customers understand and share it. Communicate your vision statement in the most effective and concise way with this Company Vision Presentation Template.
Brainwriting Template
Works best for:
Education, Ideation, Brainstorming
Brainstorming is such a big part of ideation. But not everyone does their best work out loud and on the spot, yelling out thoughts and building on others’ ideas. Brainwriting is a brilliant solution for them—creative thinkers who happen to be more introverted. This approach and template invites participants to reflect quietly and write out their ideas, and then pass them to someone else who will read the idea and add to it. So you’ll get creative ideas from everyone—not just the loudest few.
Meet the Team Template
Works best for:
Documentation, Org Charts, Team Meetings
A Meet the Team page is the best way to introduce each member of the team or organizational leaders. It includes profile pictures and bios with their work experience, achievements, and social media links. The Meet the Team Template helps you design a page that genuinely reflects your team.
Demo Presentation Template
Works best for:
Presentations, Meetings
Present your ideas confidently and professionally with this Demo Presentation Template. Use it to show potential and existing customers how your product or service works so they can fully appreciate its value.
Pitch Deck Template
Works best for:
Presentations, Meetings
Stand out and leave a lasting impression with the Pitch Deck Template. Make people care about your idea and gain supporters everywhere.
Event Brief Template
Works best for:
Meetings, Workshops, Project Planning
For most any organization, throwing a big deal event is…a big deal. An event can bring in publicity, new clients, and revenue. And planning it can require a substantial chunk of your overall resources. That’s why you’ll want to approach it like a high-stakes project, with clearly outlined goals, stakeholders, timelines, and budget. An event brief combines all of that information in a single source of truth that guides the events team, coordinator, or agency—and ensures the event is well-planned and well-executed.
Team Charter Template
Works best for:
Meetings, Workshops, Team Meetings
A team charter is a document that outlines your team’s purpose and objectives, as well as steps you will take to reach your goals. The team charter illustrates the focus and direction for all team members. When created collaboratively, the team charter is a great way for individuals to feel even more connected to one another within the group. A team charter template is useful when you’re first establishing a new team, adding new members to an existing team, or when you need to better align regardless of your team’s tenure.
Meeting Minutes Template
Works best for:
With Miro's Meeting Minutes Template, capturing the essence of your meetings has never been more efficient and engaging. Stay on top of your projects, foster collaboration, and drive action with this user-friendly tool.
Meeting Template
Works best for:
Meetings, Team Meetings, Workshops
Everyone has been in a meeting that didn’t go as planned. Maybe it ran off course, or you ran out of time to accomplish everything you set out to do -- or maybe it just felt like a waste of time. To avoid that, it’s important to prepare to run a team meeting ahead of time. With this simple but effective template, you can prepare to run a team meeting that ticks all the boxes. By creating a streamlined way to build preparation into your workflow, you’ll ensure your meetings are efficient, enjoyable, and collaborative.
What? So What? Now What? Template
Works best for:
Agile Workflows, Retrospectives, Brainstorming
The What? So What? Now What? Framework empowers you to uncover gaps in your understanding and learn from others’ perspectives. You can use the What? So What? Now What? Template to guide yourself or a group through a reflection exercise. Begin by thinking of a specific event or situation. During each phase, ask guiding questions to help participants reflect on their thoughts and experience. Working with your team, you can then utilize the template to record your ideas and to guide the experience.
4 L's Retrospective Template
Works best for:
Retrospectives, Decision Making
So you just completed a sprint. Teams busted their humps and emotions ran high. Now take a clear-eyed look back and grade the sprint honestly—what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved. This approach (4Ls stand for liked, learned, lacked, and longed for) is an invaluable way to remove the emotion and look at the process critically. That’s how you can build trust, improve morale, and increase engagement—as well as make adjustments to be more productive and successful in the future.
PI Planning Template
Works best for:
Agile Methodology, Strategic Planning, Software Development
PI planning stands for “program increment planning.” Part of a Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), PI Planning helps teams strategize toward a shared vision. In a typical PI planning session, teams get together to review a program backlog, align cross-functionally, and decide on the next steps. Many teams carry out a PI planning event every 8 to 12 weeks, but you can customize your planning schedule to fit your needs. Use PI planning to break down features, identify risks, find dependencies, and decide which stories you’re going to develop.
Canvas Playground Template
Works best for:
The canvas playground template is the ultimate way to explore all the features that make up Miro's Intelligent Canvas. This dynamic and interactive space is designed to help you get work done faster while engaging your team. From AI creation and Sidekicks to intelligent widgets, this template allows you to try it all and discover how these capabilities can streamline your workflow and enhance collaboration.
Monster Workshop Template
Works best for:
Icebreakers, Workshops
Get everyone’s creative juices flowing with the Monster Workshop Template. Bring energy and fun to your meetings and workshops.
Floor Plan Template
Works best for:
Operations, Workshops
Maybe you’re planning a big occasion or event. Or maybe you’re arranging seating structures and traffic flows that are more permanent. Either way, creating a floor plan—an overhead scaled diagram of the space—is equal parts functional and fun. This template will let you visualize how people will move about the space and know quickly if the space will do what you need, before you commit time, money, or resources. And you’ll be able to get as detailed as you want—finding the right measurements and dimensions, and adding or removing appliances and furniture.
This or That Template
Works best for:
Marketing, Meetings, Workshops
If you’re a social media manager, a designer, or just someone who loves photography, then you’ve probably seen the “This or That” game on Instagram. The premise is simple: You make two parallel lists that pit a series of choices against each other, like “apples or oranges” or “pizza or hot dogs”. The Instagram user chooses between the various options by circling the one that they prefer. Then they share the completed game with their followers. Although it was popularized on Instagram, you can use This or That on other social media platforms too, or even your website or blog.
Meeting Agenda Template
Works best for:
Business Management, Meetings, Workshops
A detailed, clear agenda — that’s what separates meetings that go completely off the rails from those where goals are met and things get done. So grab this template and set a meeting agenda that lays out expectations for before, during, and after the meeting. It’ll enable participants to get prepared beforehand and empower you to stay on-task and identify when the discussion is complete. (Tip: Plan ahead to send out your meeting agenda at least 24 hours before the meeting.)
Workshop Icebreaker Collection Template
Works best for:
Icebreakers, Workshops
Use this Workshop Icebreaker Collection Template to bring energy, engage people, and foster collaboration when running a meeting or workshop.
Virtual Event Icebreakers Template
Works best for:
Use Miro’s free Virtual Event Icebreakers Template to get to know your distributed team, encourage participation, and help everyone feel at ease. Run virtual drawing sessions, ask participants to pin their location on a map, and get everyone to share a little bit of information about themselves.
1 Truth 2 Lies Icebreaker Template
Works best for:
Icebreakers, Team meetings
Bring people together and help them learn more about each other with the 1 Truth and 2 Lies Icebreaker Template.
Virtual Fishbowl Discussion Template
Works best for:
Make every voice heard with the Virtual Fishbowl Discussion Template. Run more exciting and organized debates, getting more ideas and diverse points of view.
The Big Picture Icebreaker Puzzle Template
Works best for:
Learn how to better collaborate and communicate with this fun and unique Icebreaker Puzzle Template.
Character Drawing Template
Works best for:
Transform the traditional meeting introduction rounds with a Character Drawing Template. Ask people to draw themselves and have some fun.
Check-In Icebreaker Template
Works best for:
Icebreakers, Meetings
Run a dynamic online session with the Check-in Icebreaker Template. Use this icebreaker before your meeting to boost energy levels, connect people, and warm up the room.
Warm-ups and Wake-ups Template
Works best for:
Icebreakers, Team Meetings
Start your workshop or meeting getting everyone active and energized with these 5 warm-up exercises. Never let boredom invade your sessions again.
Workshop and Meetings Energizers Template
Works best for:
Icebreakers, Meetings
Begin every online session by engaging people right away with workshops and meeting energizers.
Love Bomb Icebreaker Template
Works best for:
Encourage team members to show their appreciation for each other using Miro’s free Love Bomb Icebreaker Template. Participants can add words or phrases that show what they appreciate about their colleagues.
V2MOM Salesforce Template
Works best for:
Meetings, Strategic Planning
Align goals and strategies across your organization with the Salesforce V2MOM Template. Bring everyone together towards the same goals.
Join thousands of teams collaborating and doing their best work on Miro.
Sign up freeAbout the Meeting Templates Collection
Miro's meeting templates collection is designed to streamline your meeting processes, making them more efficient and productive. Whether you need a meeting minutes template, a meeting schedule template, or meeting agenda examples, our collection has you covered. These templates are crafted to help you organize, document, and manage your meetings effectively, ensuring that every session is purposeful and results-driven.
Why you'll love our meeting templates
Our meeting templates transform the way you conduct meetings, making them more efficient, organized, and collaborative. These templates are crafted to help you save time, keep your meetings on track, and ensure that all important points are documented and followed up on. Whether you're planning a quick team check-in or a detailed project kickoff, our team meeting templates provide a structured approach that enhances productivity and engagement.
Efficiency: Our templates save you time by providing ready-to-use formats that you can easily customize to fit your specific needs.
Organization: Keep your meetings structured and on track with clear agendas and schedules.
Documentation: Ensure that all important points and decisions are recorded accurately with our meeting minutes templates.
Collaboration: Miro's collaborative platform allows team members to contribute in real time, making meetings more interactive and engaging.
How to use the meeting templates in Miro
Select a template: Browse through our collection and choose the template that best fits your meeting type, whether it's for taking minutes, setting a schedule, or outlining an agenda.
Customize: Tailor the template to your specific needs by adding, removing, or modifying sections. You can include details such as meeting objectives, participants, agenda items, and action points.
Collaborate: Share the template with your team members. They can add their input and updates in real time, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
Document and follow-up: Use the meeting minutes template to document discussions and decisions. After the meeting, share the minutes with all participants and assign follow-up tasks to ensure accountability and progress.
By leveraging Miro's meeting templates, you can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your meetings, making them a valuable part of your workflow.