Experience a powerful, united workflow

Miro connects with 150+ tools so teams stay aligned and productive in one scalable, secure workspace.

Trusted by over 80M+ users from the world's most innovative companies

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Helping dynamic businesses grow and thrive

Visualize projects for better, faster decisions

With a complete visualization of data, designs, and diagrams, Miro is your one-stop hub. So your team aligns on deliverables and makes quick decisions in a single workspace

Track and manage product delivery with real-time context

Seamlessly integrate your task tracking and product delivery tools to better understand issues, dependencies, and workload estimations

Bring some Miro magic into your favorite tools

Collaboration doesn't have to end β€” embed Miro into your productivity suite to keep ideas and feedback going beyond the meeting.

Meet the Miro partners powering connected experiences across tools and workflows

Use Miro across your entire Teams space, including meetings, calendar and tabs.
Align the team and move projects along faster with Miro connected to Jira, Confluence, and Trello.
Streamline collaboration with Miro across your entire Google Workspace, from calendar to meetings.

Enterprise-grade security and authentication

Native integrations in key enterprise systems let you streamline security and access. Plus, REST APIs that enable you to build integrations into your own corporate systems.

See what Miro β€” and your team β€” are capable of

Connect your tools and close your tabs. The apps you already use and love are here.
Get all the tools, APIs, libraries, and documentation to help you develop Miro apps at the speed of connection.

Variety of apps designed to power every team workflow

Connected with Jira, Azure DevOps, Airtable and more
Connected with Figma, InVision, Adobe XD and more
Connected with Slack, Zoom, Google Meet and more

Explore integrations to extend Miro's capabilities

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