Storyboards by maad labs
Storyboards are a great tool to map out either an experience that you want to create or an experience that you are imagining.
This process allows you to put it back in front of users to validate whether the needs you are expressing in the storyboard actually exist. What are the key moments, milestones, or ideas in an experience that we can react to? Get creative and put it out there!
Start by writing your story. Choose a single persona and storyline you’d like to focus on and, as a group, caption each step of your story. Be sure to gather diverse input from everyone in your group to surface ideas one person may not think of.
Next, you’ll want to create some basic visuals. Use images, icons, annotations, or simple sketches to set the scene for each step. These don’t need to be perfect. It’s important to keep in mind that they are only meant to help tell a story.
Collaborate with your team to find the best story!
This template was created by maad labs.
Get started with this template right now.
Heuristic Evaluation Template
Works best for:
The Heuristic Evaluation Template is a valuable tool in UX design. It relies on heuristics to identify usability issues and opportunities for improvement. Similarly, design heuristics serve as guidelines to evaluate the quality of a design solution. Following ten principles of good design can enhance the effectiveness of a product or service. Use these guidelines to evaluate your work and enhance the user experience of your design solutions.
2x2 Prio Matrix Template
Works best for:
Understanding the balance between importance and difficulty is crucial for effective decision-making and progress. To aid in prioritization, a simple 2x2 matrix can map these factors on the x-axis and y-axis, respectively. This framework allows you to assess the trade-offs and tensions involved. The lower left quadrant represents quick wins, while the upper left quadrant consists of luxury items that may be costly with limited returns. The upper right quadrant contains strategic items that require significant investments for substantial results. Finally, the lower right quadrant houses the most valuable items, offering high impact at a lower cost.
Design Sprint Kit Template
Works best for:
Agile Methodology, UX Design, Sprint Planning
With the right focused and strategic approach, five days is all it takes to address your biggest product challenges. That’s the thinking behind Design Sprint methodology. Created by Tanya Junell of Blue Label Labs, this Design Sprint Kit provides a set of lightweight templates that support the Design Sprint’s collaborative activities and voting—and maintains the energy, team spirit, and momentum that was sparked in the session. Virtual sprint supplies and prepared whiteboards make this kit especially useful for remote Design Sprint Facilitators.
Online Sketching Template
Works best for:
UX Design, Desk Research, Design Thinking
Before you go full steam ahead with a promising idea, look at it from a high level — to know how it functions and how well it meets your goals. That’s what sketches do. This template gives you a powerful remote collaboration tool for the initial stages of prototyping, whether you’re sketching out web pages and mobile apps, designing logos, or planning events. Then you can easily share your sketch with your team, and save each stage of your sketch before changing it and building on it.
Lean UX Canvas Template
Works best for:
Desk Research, Product Management, User Experience
What are you building, why are building it, and who are you building it for? Those are the big pictures questions that guide great companies and teams toward success — and Lean UX helps you find the answers. Especially helpful during project research, design, and planning, this tool lets you quickly make product improvements and solve business problems, leading to a more customer-centric product. This template will let you create a Lean UX canvas structured around eight key elements: Business problem, Business outcome, Users and customers, User benefits, Solution ideas, Hypothesis, Assumptions, Experimentation.
UX Project Canvas Template
Works best for:
User Experience, UX Design, Market Research
Inspired by Alexander Osterwalder's 2005 business model canvas, the project canvas will help your team visualize the big picture of your UX and design projects, providing a convenient structure that holds all of your important data. This innovative tool enables you to transform an idea into a project plan, stimulating collaboration and communication between collaborators. Unlike alternative models, the project canvas is a simple interface. There are few startup costs, and employees can easily be brought up to speed to start using the canvas quickly.