Parallel Universes

Parallel Universes Template

Leverage diverse viewpoints for innovative thinking with the Parallel Universes Template.

About the Parallel Universes Template

Great ideas are not always born out of pure imagination. Creative thinkers often explore ordinary things from unique perspectives to generate innovative concepts. In reality, new ideas are seldom entirely original. The key to success for designers, artists, innovators, and entrepreneurs is effectively borrowing and adapting. Enter: Parallel Universes Template.

When you find yourself lacking inspiration, try delving into an alternative world for motivation. Ask yourself the question, "What would they do?" The Parallel Universes Template encourages you to examine how a successful organization or group from a different field would tackle a specific problem.

Benefits of using the template

  • Encourage a different viewpoint.

  • Spark imaginative ideas.

  • Use achievements from different fields.

  • Encourage unconventional concepts.

How to use the template in Miro

  1. Use the challenge and list of parallel universes, or create your own.

  2. Choose one from the set and drag it over to the designated area.

  3. Spend 10 mins researching and learning more about your selection.

  4. Set a timer for 5 mins. See how many different ideas you can generate.

  5. Encourage everyone to share their best idea. Continue the process as needed.


  • Find a problem that requires innovative ideas.

  • Gather a varied team of partners.

Useful tips

  • Find an industry that is unrelated to your own.

  • Avoid selecting industries with direct competitors.

  • Take some time to explore and understand a different universe.

Parallel Universes Template

Get started with this template right now.

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