Epic & Feature Roadmap Planning template

Epic & Feature Roadmap Planning

Use the Epic & Feature Roadmap Planning template when you need to brainstorm & map features for a project release onto a roadmap.

It takes just 4 simple steps to go from uncluttered to organised!

Step 1

Impact/Effort matrix: gather any pre-existing features and ideate any new ones to add them together with your team on the matrix. Use weeks as the basis for effort estimation.

Step 2

Timeline: copy and paste your feature post its onto the timeline to determine any dependencies. Here you can map clearly what must come first versus last in the project release. You can also estimate now using T-Shirt sizes based on days to help with further mapping.

Step 3

Feature Themes/Epics: determine any themes that have popped up while in the previous steps. Create names for the themes and add these as column headers. Copy & paste the features underneath the header to which it relates.

Step 4

Roadmap: copy the column heading names from Step 3 onto the roadmap as new row headers. Copy & paste the relevant features for each theme/epic onto the roadmap and arrange the order priority by quarters. Shuffle where necessary based on the previous estimates and timeline.Voila! Now you are organised - well done :)

This template was created by Simone Anne Slaviero.

Epic & Feature Roadmap Planning

Get started with this template right now.

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