
Soccer Retrospective

This is a 60-90 minute retrospective inspired by soccer.

The goal of this retrospective is to help team members look back at a Sprint, project or a periode in general and evaluate what went well, what went not well and what was prevented.

How to use this template

  • This template can be used in a team from 2 to 9 people or even bigger teams. Just copy or remove icons to fit it to your team size.

  • Check-in: Just start with a check in of your choice or use the soccer quiz.

  • Gather information: With the three spaces for what went well, what went not well and what was pevented.

  • Generate insights: With the two spaces to decide what the team can handle alone without support and where the team needs support or advice from the coach.

  • Actions: Decide which actions are needed for the next periode.

  • Check-out: Let the team decide if the meeting has scored a goal.

This template was created by Daniel Fischer.

Soccer Retrospective

Get started with this template right now.

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