SIPOC template

SIPOC by Dagmar Vlahos

The SIPOC Template can be used as the first step in understanding the process being evaluated.

This template is designed to be utilized as a brainstorming tool during the project documentation stage with a team to identify customers and suppliers (stakeholders).

How to use the SIPOC Template:

(Start with the Customers and work backwards)

Step 1: Customers

Brainstorm with the team to identify the customers who receive the output the process creates.

Step 2: Outputs

Articulate the outputs of the process that gets delivered to the customer.

Step 3: Inputs

Document the inputs that are needed to create the output.

Step 4: Suppliers

Identify who or what supplies the input required to create the output.

Step 5: Process

Describe the high-level steps that make up the process in 5 steps or less.

This template is a collaborative effort

Utilizing an approach of collaboration, Dagmar Vlahos and Thomas Lencki Jr. lead employees through their Lean journey. They support all employees at all of the campuses in University System of New Hampshire through training, mentorship, and coaching. Using this approach Dagmar and Tom created this template together.

#Lean all day, every day!

This template was created by Dagmar Vlahos.

SIPOC by Dagmar Vlahos

Get started with this template right now.

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