
Space Adventure Retrospective

Travel with your team to mysterious Space where you're going to jump from planet to planet while allowing the team to reflect on the past Sprint, Project, Event etc.

This Retrospective workshop consists of a simplified version of a popular Start-Stop-Continue exercise and a few additional steps - check-in, action items review, action plan and check-out - to create a well-rounded experience.

The workshop lasts at least 1 hour 15 mins.

Why use this template?

  • For experienced Agile teams this template is a fun way to diversify your usual Retrospective ritual.

  • For everyone and anyone it's great template to draw conclusions from past Sprints, Projects, Events etc., and create an actionable plan to make sure there is a follow-up.


Cudos to the original creator of the Start-Stop-Continue exercise! Many thanks to Aino Leppänen for her beautiful illustrations!

This template was created by Maria Karnaukhova.

Space Adventure Retrospective

Get started with this template right now.