The Right It! Canvas


The Right It! Canvas is a strategic tool inspired by the principles outlined in Alberto Savoia's book, 'The Right It: Why So Many Ideas Fail and How to Make Sure Yours Succeed.'

This practical tool is designed to provide a systematic approach to developing and validating innovative ideas, thereby increasing their chances of don't fail when meeting the market.

The template enables innovators to transform their business ideas into actionable numerical hypotheses (XYZ Hypothesis), which provides clarity and specificity to the idea validation process.

The methodology also emphasizes pretotyping – a preliminary stage of validation that involves testing hypotheses with potential customers before making significant investments in building a product or service.

The Right It! Canvas is particularly beneficial to innovation managers, startup mentors, and entrepreneurs seeking to validate their business ideas in a practical, cost-effective, and data-driven way. By using this methodology, users can save time, and resources, and improve the likelihood of launching a successful product or service.

To use the template, start by identifying a problem and a target market, then formulate your Market Engagement Hypothesis (MEH). Next, design a set of low-cost, rapid pretotyping tests and prioritize them based on three parameters: Distance to Data (DTD), Euro to Data (€TD), and Hours to Data (HTD).

Conduct the tests and measure the results against your original hypothesis. Repeat the process as necessary, refining your idea and tests based on the data collected.

By systematically following these steps, The Right It! Canvas facilitates the collection of real data and actual user feedback, ultimately leading to effective and data-driven business validation.

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Mirko Maiorano image
Mirko Maiorano
Head of growth@20tab
I'm passionate about Product Management, startup, fintech, e-commerce, growth marketing, and economics. I've worked in IT and digital since 1999 and have specialized in Growth Product Management, data analysis, online advertising, content marketing, and digital innovation. I'm a partner and Head of Growth at 20tab, one of Italy's most innovative companies in specialized consulting in digital product development and management. In my free time, I write about business, growth marketing & startups.
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