Online planning poker for more inclusive sprints

Miro lets you add more structure to the estimation process, increase accuracy of your estimates, and give everyone a voice. Use the Estimations app and bring a common understanding of each task quicker than ever.

Over 70M+ users love Miro

Make your planning poker meeting more human

Miro’s estimation app helps you run more inclusive sessions where everyone gets to cast their vote and have a say. Empower your team and avoid group thinking.

Why Miro is the perfect planning poker tool

Estimates made easy

Let go of inaccurate estimates and time-consuming planning poker meetings. Miro’s native Scrum poker feature helps you to run estimates efficiently with just a few clicks, right on the board where you hold your Agile practices.

Everything in one place

Run your planning poker session with sticky notes, cards, or bring Jira tasks onto your Miro board. To give more visual context, add design files or diagrams so everyone is on the same page and equipped to estimate.

Collaborate meaningfully

Make the estimation process more inclusive by giving everyone the chance to vote, and empower individuals by sidestepping group thinking bias. Use Miro’s Estimation app to help you facilitate the session and easily guide everyone along the way.

Structure your planning poker session

If needed, run part of your estimation session async, and save valuable meeting time for things that require discussion. Once voting is done, start an agreement session to review the results and focus on the tasks where team members disagree.

No more context-switching

Remove the hassle of manually updating estimates in Jira and sync them with just one click. Gain agility when running your online planning poker with Miro’s many tool integrations.

More than a planning poker tool

Miro’s visual collaboration platform empowers you to run your Agile practices, improve workflows, and keep your team’s progress in check. Create a space where teams get more done together.

Related templates

Optimize processes and improve your team’s efficiency.

Help your team embrace Agile methodology.

Boost your business productivity by mapping out the key steps in a process.

List action items and store and prioritize product development tasks to keep teams more focused.

Get team members moving, sharing, and generating ideas quickly.

Look back at successes and failures to improve everyday practices with the retrospective template.

How to create estimations with Miro


Click on the Estimation app

Select Start new session.


Invite everyone to join the estimation

They can vote on the items they choose. To edit an estimate, click the pen icon.


Share results

Once you agree on estimates for all items, click End for all to finish the session. This will show the number of total points. Click End and share results on the pop-up, and the session results will be saved.

Integrated with your favorite tools

Ideas, inspiration, and intel in full view. Visualize marketing campaigns and client and prospect info to take action, and track tasks and status updates for the team.

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Loved by many teams

Customer stories

“Miro helps solve one of the major gaps in product design: how to manage tasks across product designers whose projects are in different tools.”

Jane Ashley

Head of Design at DocuSign

Planning poker tool FAQs

Planning poker is a technique used by teams to estimate the amount of work required to complete a task. It is an effective way to quickly reach a consensus on the effort required to complete a project. The process begins with the team identifying the task or feature to be estimated. Each team member is then asked to provide a private estimate of the work required to complete the task. All estimates are then discussed, and each team member is given the opportunity to explain the reasoning behind their estimate. Finally, a consensus is reached, and the team moves on to the next task.

Other Miro solutions


Supercharge your Agile process with remote Daily Scrums, Sprint Plannings, and Retrospectives. Put your ideas into action with Kanban boards, and integrations with Jira, Azure DevOps, and more.


Stay organized and quickly visualize processes with a Kanban tool. Work in one shared space, and move teams toward the same objectives, surfacing dependencies and anticipating what’s next.

Agile teams

Infuse Agile values into the heart and soul of your organization with a visual workspace designed to help teams adapt, improve, and deliver valuable software faster — however and wherever they work.

Get on board in seconds

Join thousands of teams using Miro to do their best work yet.

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