Fiction Storyboard template

Fiction Storyboard

Storyboard template for teachers.

This is a storyboard used to structure fictional writing in KS2 in England (7-11 year olds). It breaks down the skills required for story writing with sticky notes provided for key teaching points, it follows the story writing style designed by Alan Peat. This can be displayed on IWB and used as a whole class teaching tool.

Story writing lesson plan

Below is a brief overview for planning a lesson around this storyboard framework:

  1. Build your character (Who?): Start by introducing your character and the story's setting. Write a paragraph to describe your character's appearance and personality. Write another paragraph to describe the setting by using your five senses. What can your character see, hear, smell, feel, or taste?

  2. Describe the setting (Where?): What does your character want, or where are they going based on their motivations? Use time conjunctions and fronted adverbials in this section.

  3. Describe where they go next (Where to?): Where does your character go next in your story? Write a paragraph on the next stage of their journey, will they return to the original setting at the start of the story or somewhere else?

  4. Explain the conflict (What's the problem?): Write two to three paragraphs to explain the climax of your story, what is the problem your character encounters, how do they solve it? Do they need help to solve it? Could be another character or magical object. Use inverted commas in this section to show dialogue between two characters, using dialogue to enhance the action.

  5. Offer a solution (How is it fixed?): Next, write another paragraph to describe how your character's problem is fixed. Does anyone help them? If so, who? How do they feel during this process?

  6. Describe the solution (How does it end?): Write a paragraph to explain the final thoughts of your character, how are they feeling? Try to more elaborate on "They were happy, the end!".

This template was created by Jamie Gilbert.

Fiction Storyboard

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