The ultimate guide to backlog refinement

The ultimate guide to backlog refinement


Product backlogs are a key component in Agile methodology — and the backlog refinement process is a great way to keep them in shape.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about product backlog refinement — including what the key benefits are, how to prepare a backlog refinement meeting agenda, tips to run an effective session, and who to involve in the process.

Let’s jump in.

What is backlog refinement?

Backlog refinement — or backlog grooming — is the ongoing process of updating the product backlog to make sure the items are clear, detailed, and prioritized based on their value to the project or customer. Instead of being a one-time task, it happens continuously throughout the project.

During refinement, the team may add, remove, reorder, or break down user stories into smaller, more manageable pieces. The goal is to keep the backlog ready with well-defined, actionable items for the upcoming sprints.

Benefits of backlog refinement

Backlog refinement comes with many benefits. At the core, backlog refinement helps your team prioritize tasks in line with the product roadmap, allowing you to keep the product on track to achieve long-term plans. aims to make the product backlog manageable, understandable, and ready for future sprints.

Let’s take a closer look at the key benefits of backlog refinement:

Increased team understanding

Backlog refinement sessions give the development team and product owner a chance to discuss the details of each user story. They help clarify the scope, requirements, and potential blockers so everyone knows exactly what's expected before the sprint starts.

Better estimations

By breaking down and refining tasks, the team can better estimate how long each user story will take. This leads to more reliable time and effort predictions, helping the team stay on track.

Efficient sprint planning

When you refine backlog items ahead of time, sprint planning becomes more efficient. Since most of the discussions around scope and complexity have already happened, the team can focus on scheduling and execution.

Consistent flow of meaningful work

Regular backlog refinement helps make sure that there's always a steady stream of well-defined tasks ready to go. This keeps the team moving without unnecessary delays or downtime between sprints.

Who participates in backlog refinement?

Backlog refinement works best when key members of the Agile team actively collaborate. Typically, this includes the Product Owner, the Development Team, and the Scrum Master, each bringing their unique expertise to the table.

Let’s take a closer look at the role each participant plays in a backlog refinement meeting:

Product Owner

The Product Owner is primarily responsible for the product backlog, including defining, prioritizing, and refining its items. During a backlog refinement meeting, they communicate the vision and goals for each item, making sure they align with the overall project objectives.

They also make sure that the team understands the scope and importance of each task, staying open to questions and feedback. This back-and-forth is crucial for clearing up any uncertainties and making sure the backlog items are ready for action.

Development team

The Development Team‘s role is to bring their technical expertise to the table. They work closely with the Product Owner to fully understand the requirements of each backlog item, breaking larger tasks into smaller, actionable steps.

They provide effort estimates, discuss complexities, and ask questions to help make sure people can start the sprint without any surprises. Their input helps the team prepare well-defined tasks that are both realistic and achievable.

Scrum Master

The Scrum Master’s job is to make sure the refinement process runs smoothly. While they don’t decide on priorities or details, they facilitate the discussion, which helps maintain effective communication between the Product Owner and the Development Team.

They guide the team through best practices (including estimation techniques and splitting user stories), help resolve any roadblocks, and make sure the refinement sessions stay focused and within time limits. By keeping things on track, the Scrum Master helps ensure the team is always ready for the next sprint.

How to run a backlog refinement process

The backlog refinement process is an ongoing collaborative activity in Agile development. The goal is to keep the product backlog organized, easy to understand, and actionable for future sprints.

How often should backlog refinement happen?

Backlog refinement is an ongoing process that occurs throughout the project lifecycle. But most teams schedule formal sessions once per sprint. Backlog refinement frequency and duration can vary depending on the project’s complexity and team needs. A good rule of thumb is to dedicate 5-10% of sprint time to refinement—around 2-4 hours in a two-week sprint.

Key steps in backlog refinement

While each Agile team might approach it differently, the backlog refinement process generally includes the following steps:

1. Review backlog items

The Product Owner and team revisit backlog items to confirm their relevance and accuracy.

2. Clarify requirements

The Product Owner explains the details, while the team asks questions and clears up any uncertainties.

3. Set priorities

The Product Owner, with input from the team, reorders items based on what delivers the most value.

4. Estimate effort

The team estimates how much time or effort each item will take, using story points or hours.

5. Break down big tasks

Large tasks (epics) are split into smaller, more manageable pieces.

6. Update the backlog

The team adjusts the backlog based on discussions—adding, removing, or reprioritizing items.

Common backlog refinement techniques

Here are some techniques to make backlog refinement more effective:

User story mapping

This technique helps visualize the user's journey and prioritize user stories based on their role in this journey.

DEEP analysis

DEEP stands for Detailed appropriately, Estimated, Emergent, and Prioritized, which are the characteristics a good product backlog should have.

MoSCoW method

This method categorizes items into 'Must have,' 'Should have,' 'Could have,' and 'Won't have,' aiding in the prioritization process.

Planning poker

A gamified estimation technique where each team member "bets" on how much effort each item will take, leading to a consensus-based estimate.

Tips for effective backlog refinement

Here are some backlog refinement tips that will help you make the most of your session:

1. Foster open communication

Backlog refinement thrives on clear, open communication between the Product Owner, Development Team, and Scrum Master. Everyone should feel encouraged to ask questions, raise concerns, and offer suggestions. This leads to shared understanding and alignment.

2. Prioritize based on customer and project value

Always focus on backlog items that provide the most value to your end-users or project goals. Prioritization isn’t just about what’s urgent but what will have the greatest positive impact. This keeps the team working on the most meaningful tasks.

TIP: Try one of our many product management templates to speed the process up.

3. Estimate with confidence

Use Estimation techniques — such as planning poker or trying Miro’s Fibonacci Scale Template — to determine the effort required for each item. Be realistic, but also acknowledge that estimates may change as tasks evolve. This helps balance workload and prevent bottlenecks.

4. Break down complex items

Large or complex items (epics) should be split into smaller, more manageable tasks. This not only makes them easier to estimate but also keeps the team moving efficiently. Handling complexity in stages ensures smoother implementation.

5. Avoid forced decisions

If an item feels too complex or unclear to be addressed in one session, it’s okay to push it to the next refinement. Giving the team time to gather more information or do further analysis often leads to better outcomes.

6. Keep the backlog dynamic

Refinement isn’t a one-time task. Schedule regular sessions to keep the backlog current. Agile projects are fluid, so it’s essential to continuously review and adapt based on new data, customer feedback, or changing business goals.

Refine your backlog in Miro

With a native Estimation app, plenty of Agile templates, and seamless integrations with Jira and Azure DevOps, Miro makes managing the backlog refinement process easier than ever. Teams can collaborate in real time regardless of their location, making refinement sessions more efficient and engaging.

Sign up for Miro for free to get started.

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