Value Network Mapping (1.0)
By unraveling and reimagining how value is created or lost within a system, you can uncover the keys to assist individuals and organizations in reorganizing themselves sustainably.
Value network mapping does not come with a rigid procedure; it's an adaptable method, typically involving two phases. Initially, it renders a map of the existing situation. Second, you and your stakeholders can build upon that map, making a profound evaluation and redesign.
This template offers a 3-step instruction, providing you with the basic building blocks to copy, and two inspiring examples. Let's begin mapping together!
This template was created by VITO Nexus Learn.
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Bank Mobile App User Journey
Works best for:
The Bank Mobile App User Journey template offers a visual framework for mapping out the user experience journey within a banking mobile application. It provides elements for visualizing user interactions, touchpoints, and emotions throughout the journey. This template enables teams to understand user needs, pain points, and opportunities for improvement, facilitating the design of user-friendly and intuitive banking apps. By promoting empathy and user-centric design, the Bank Mobile App User Journey template empowers teams to create digital experiences that meet customer expectations and drive engagement.
UML Class Messaging System Template
Works best for:
The UML Class Messaging System Template streamlines the process of designing and analyzing messaging systems. It allows users to visually map out the structure of a system by detailing classes, their attributes, operations, and the relationships among objects. This template is particularly useful for illustrating the functionality of a messaging system, including the management of text messages, conversation threads, user contacts, notifications, and channels. It offers a clear visual representation of how all these elements interact within the system, making it an invaluable resource for developers, designers, and stakeholders aiming to enhance communication and reduce errors in the development phase.
UML Communication Diagram Template
Works best for:
Software Development, Mapping, Diagrams
Most modern programs consist of many moving parts working to a precise set of instructions. With a communication diagram, you can visualize exactly how those parts work together, giving you a clearer understanding of your program as a whole. What’s more, the diagram leaves spaces for expanding the network of relationships as your product grows and evolves. A communication diagram is a vital tool in any software designer’s arsenal.
Pie Chart Template
Works best for:
Education, Operations
Pie charts are an excellent way to present relationships between datasets graphically, where you can quickly compare information and see contrast right away. Professionals from many fields use pie charts to support their presentations and enrich their storytelling as it’s one of the most commonly used data charts.
Comprehensive Guide to BPMN
Works best for:
BPMN, Diagramming
Tame the Workflow Beast: Your Visual Guide to BPMN with Miro!
Product Development Process Flowchart Template
The Product Development Process Flowchart Template is a strategic tool designed to guide teams through the intricate journey of bringing a new product to market. This template serves as a visual roadmap, outlining each critical step in the product development lifecycle, from initial concept and design to testing, refinement, and eventual launch. It's structured to foster clarity, ensuring that all team members are aligned and aware of their roles and responsibilities at every phase.