Team Core Values Workshop Template


This workshop template is crafted to help remote teams define and align their core values, which are crucial for guiding team behavior, interactions, and decision-making.

About the Team Core Values Workshop Template

The template provides a structured, interactive, and engaging format that ensures efficient use of time—perfect for teams operating on a tight schedule. In just 60 minutes, participants can collaboratively establish values that resonate with their collective vision and goals.


The primary goal of this workshop is to enable teams to identify and agree upon core values that reflect their shared beliefs and desired behaviors. These values will be a foundation for the team's culture, influencing everything from daily interactions to strategic decisions. By focusing on core values, the workshop helps teams build a cohesive and motivated unit, aligned with their mission and vision.

What’s included

The template comes with detailed minute-by-minute instructions to streamline facilitation and ensure a smooth workshop experience. It includes a pre-filled example board to give you a clear idea of how it will be utilized throughout the session.

How to use the template

  1. Pre-Workshop Preparation:

    • Familiarize Participants with Miro: Ensure that all participants are comfortable using Miro. If needed, provide an introductory board or tutorial to help them practice.

    • Prepare Your Meeting Tools: Be sure you know how to set up and use breakout rooms in your online meeting tool. This functionality will be essential for group discussions during the workshop.

    • Gather Your Materials: Have your team’s vision or mission statement, logo, and any relevant group photos ready to upload into Miro.

    • Set Up Miro’s Features: Familiarize yourself with Miro's built-in timer, dot voting feature, and optionally, Private Mode to maintain a smooth and efficient workshop flow.

  2. During the workshop:

  • 0-5 Minutes: Introduction and Setup

  1. Participant Joining: As participants join the session, briefly explain the workshop’s purpose, structure, and timing.

  2. Initial Setup: Ask participants to add their team name to the board. If a mission or vision statement is available, add it to the center of the board. If not, upload a group picture or a team logo to foster a sense of identity and belonging.

  • 5-10 Minutes: Introduction to Core and Wish Values

  1. Core Values Explanation: Define what core values are and how they will guide team interactions, behaviors, and decision-making.

  2. Wish Values Explanation: Clarify the concept of wish values, which represent ideals or aspirations the team hopes to achieve.

  • 10-40 Minutes: Core Values Selection

  1. Individual Selection: Guide participants through the process of selecting core values from a predefined list. Use Miro’s timer to keep track of time and ensure the process stays on schedule.

  2. Encourage Participation: If you are working with non-native English speakers, reassure them that it's okay if they don’t know every word. The list is extensive, and similar values can describe the same concept.

  3. Group Discussions: Facilitate discussions or use breakout rooms to allow participants to discuss and agree on values. Ensure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute and be heard.

  • 40-50 Minutes: Finalizing Values

  1. Reduce the List: Begin by narrowing down the list of values to a manageable number. Use Miro’s built-in features to eliminate duplicates and streamline the selection process.

  2. Speeches and Voting: Invite participants to give brief 2-minute speeches in support of specific values if they wish. This helps to clarify and convince others before final voting.

  3. Dot Voting: Conduct a dot voting session using Miro’s dot voting tool to select the final core values. Allow 2 minutes for voting to ensure everyone has the chance to express their preferences.

  • 50-55 Minutes: Final Presentation and Celebration

  1. Show Final Values: Present the final list of core values to the participants. Celebrate the team’s achievements and the new set of values that will guide their collective efforts.

10-Minute Break

70-90 Minutes: Value Stories and Application

  1. Storytelling: Explain that stories are powerful tools for remembering and internalizing values. Guide participants in creating value stories based on past experiences that align with the chosen values.

  2. Sharing Stories: Have participants share their stories with the group. This helps tie together the list of values with real-life examples, making them more memorable and actionable.

  3. Allow participants a short break to rest and refresh before diving into the next phase of the workshop.


  • Document and Share: Ensure that the final list of values and any accompanying stories are documented and shared with all participants. This helps reinforce the values and encourages ongoing reflection and application.

  • Reference Resources: For further reading and additional techniques, refer to Value Stories and Liberating Structures.

While this board is set up for a single team, the framework can easily be adapted for broader organizational use. Whether for company-wide values or departmental goals, this template provides a flexible structure for collaborative value-setting sessions.

Use this comprehensive template to facilitate a productive and engaging workshop that aligns your team or organization around shared values, enhancing cohesion and guiding future actions.


Nikoletta image
Agile Coach@TechFolktale
I help to create an environment where teams and individuals have the space to learn and improve, deliver awesome products to customers, and have fun doing so.
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