Maintaining and Reinforcing Team Memory


Good habits and practices help make great teams.

This workshop introduces a framework to help you think through your team habits and practices and if they are working for you by answering a set of questions. It is intended for distributed and co-located teams.

Workshop Outcomes

The goal of this workshop is to create a shared understanding of how your team works together to keep connected and informed, build empathy and understanding and communicate beyond the team boundaries. It should also help you to identify gaps and new habits and practices that you want to introduce.

How to use this board

  1. Get your team together and explain why you are building this picture and what it will help you do

  2. Spend some time synchronously or asynchronously thinking about your responses to the prompts

  3. Discuss it together, either in one session or multiple sessions

  4. Prioritise and agree what you will change, if anything

This workshop is based on the blogpost "A framework for thinking about team memory, joining up and serendipity in hybrid organisations".


Emily Webber image
Emily Webber
Organisational consultant@Tacit
Agile, delivery & organisational consultant. Creating environments where people thrive so that organisations can too.
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