German Father's Day Retrospective

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Willkommen to the German Father's Day Retrospective, where ve take ze quintessential elements of a Bollerwagen tour und infuse zem mit ze spirit of reflection und collaboration.

First things first, it's time to pack your Bollerwagen mit ze most important equipment. Vill it be beer, whiskey, or vielleicht a trusty soccer ball for a quick kickaround? As ve load up our metaphorical wagons, let's ponder vot essentials vill fuel our journey through ze sprint retrospective.

Next, let's find our team's route vhil happily indulging in some refreshing beverages. But beware, ve must navigate carefully to avoid running into our vives along ze vay! As ve traverse ze landscape of our sprint achievements und challenges, let's enjoy ze camaraderie und laughter zat comes mit exploring new paths together.

Finally, as ve reach ze end of our adventure, it's time to check out und give drunken KUDOs to everybody who made zis retrospective a memorable one. Let's raise our steins high und toast to a retrospective filled mit laughter, insights, und maybe just a touch of mischief. Prost!


Nils Hyoma image
Nils Hyoma
Agile Lead@MHP - A Porsche Company
Nils Hyoma is a business informatics post-graduate from Hamburg University, a professional agile coach, and a passionate amateur water polo player. Nils studied Japanese studies, international business studies, and business informatics in Hiroshima and Hamburg. Many years as an active developer, he learned the basics of agile software development. After working in online retail / eCommerce and in IT consulting, he is now part of the coaching team at MHP - A Posche Company since 2024.


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