A Wooly Retro

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Have a ba-aa-ll during this sprint ritual with A Wooly Retro 🐑

Nice and comfy - What went well?

On a warm comfortable background, make a note of what went well during the last sprint.

Accidents wool happen - What didn't go well?

It's okay to make mistakes. It's important that we learn from them though. And how might we do that? We do that by reflecting on what didn't go so well during the last sprint and if there was something we'd like to change in the following sprint to make things better.

All's wool that end's wool - Feedback on retrospective

Get your team to copy a sheep and place it on the feedback scale to indicate their feedback on the retrospective session.


Clyde D'Souza image
Clyde D'Souza
Software Engineer and Author
Hi, I'm Clyde. I'm a software engineer based in Auckland, New Zealand. I write about various technologies, teach online classes, make videos, and I'm also the author of a children's bedtime storybook!


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