In celebration of Miro turning 10 this week we wanted to highlight 10 out of the box ways you’ve used Miro. We love hearing the ways Miro has helped you create and collaborate with your team but more and more we’re seeing Miro used for fun personal projects.
From writing a novel to playing Dungeons and Dragons, the Miro community continues to surprise us and we can’t wait to see the unique use cases you discover next. Don’t forget to tag us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, or post to our Community with your unique uses for Miro so we can feature your creativity in the next round up!
1. Virtual live drawing and art exhibition
We’ve seen a lot of folks create amazing art using Miro’s pen tool. One of many examples involves the folks at NOW Gallery and Good on Paper who hosted a live art exhibition complete with live drawings in Miro by artists Heleen Steyn, Johann Smith, and Amelia Daubermann. Check out all of the artist’s work in their gallery board.
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2. Writing a novel
One member of the Miro community turned to Miro when they were experiencing writer’s block while working on their fourth novel. Miro helped them outline the plot of their story and gave them a visual reminder of all the twists, turns, and character motivations. “Miro has simply put this process on steroids. I have a picture in front of me when I’m working on the story, and a single image that travels along with me when I’m doing other things, instead of countless pieces flying about in all directions.”

3. Interactive resumes
For some careers, it’s important to have a resume that stands out. Miro’s interactive features like embedding images, audio files, and videos can level up the standard resume or portfolio. Below is an example of one designer’s portfolio in Miro.
4. Dungeons and Dragons
“With lockdown shutting down our physical DnD games in the office, we began looking for an alternative. As we already used Miro for our professional work, we quickly began considering it for playing DnD, as a virtual tabletop alternative,” says one Miro Community member.

5. Elimination brackets
From who will get the final rose on the Bachelorette to who will die in the next episode of Game of Thrones, brackets help us diagram our predictions. This year, Miro’s Lead Content Designer, Thom Wong, developed a template to help him plan his March Madness bracket.
6. Planning vacation
One Miro community member and his wife planned their entire European vacation in Miro from mapping out their itinerary to organizing their reservations and travel documents.

7. Board games
Developed by the husband and wife team of game designers, Jed and Soph Lazar, Cozy Juicy Real is a board game designed to help groups and teams have deeper, more meaningful conversations, and we love it.

8. Book club
In honor of World Book Day this year, the folks at Studio intO shared their company’s book club library. “At our remote meeting, each week, we meet on Miro for 2D tea and cake before things kick-off. What we’ve been reading is always high on the discussion list and our virtual library is a space to share recommendations.”

9. Home renovation
The Miro Community forums is a treasure trove of inspiration. One member shared a portion of her home renovation plans for her bathroom and kitchen updates.

10. Content planning
Miro is a great tool for organizing information, so I used it for this blog post! It was helpful to have one place I could store the images and links to all of the interesting use cases I was finding on Miro’s social accounts and community forums.
Thank you to everyone who shared their work with us. We’ll be keeping an eye out for more of your creative use cases for Miro on our LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Community forums.