UX Career Strategizer
Why use it?
UX Career Startegizer helps you decide what to do and what not to do in order to achieve your goals. It's based on a premise that designers should be as strategic about their career paths as they are while making product decisions. With UX Career Startegizer you will:
Understand where you are in your UX career and where you could be.
Plan your career goals and specific, actionable steps to achieve them.
How to use it?
It usually takes 2-3 sessions (3-5h in total) to complete all the steps. UX Career Startegizer is designed to be used individually, but can be easily adapted to team work.
It's for you if:
You are a UX Designer of any level
You want to focus on some skills but you’re not really sure which ones
You want to define your future role and skills it will require
You want to ideate a set of strategic activities that will lead to reaching your goals
It's not for you if:
You need a planning/tracking tool to put tasks on the timeline and monitor progress
You want to explore the opportunities beyond the UX field
You only need to plan your career a few months ahead
What you need are inspiration and coaching
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