The BOIS Team Canvas


The BOIS Team Canvas is a comprehensive workshop that helps teams gain control of their team's culture by aligning individual behaviors with organizational objectives.

Inspired by and built on the legendary tool, "The Team Canvas" created by Alex Ivanov and Mitya Voloshchuk the BOIS Team Canvas offers a different perspective on team formation and team agreements by merging it with the BOIS Model from Enterprise Agility University.

When to use The BOIS Team Canvas?

As a leader, a facilitator, or change agent sooner or later we all face the question of behaviors.

What desired behaviors are present in the organization that helps us achieve our goals? What undesired behaviors should be rooted out or changed?

The BOIS Team Canvas can be used on multiple occasions:

  • creating a new team;

  • onboarding new team members;

  • clarifying objectives and identifying key desired behaviors to create a healthy culture;

  • in case of a change in market conditions or company goals, realign the team's objectives and behaviors;

  • developing company and team culture by aligning behaviors to objectives;

  • general alignment sessions (recommended every 2-3 months).

How does BOIS Team Canvas work?

There are 9 steps to take to establish the BOIS Team Canvas:

  • Universal Agreements: The very first step on your journey as a team. All members must agree with the Universal Agreements. Without these four elements, it will be hard to establish and sustain other rules and values. 10 mins

  • Objectives: What are the goals for the whole team? Why does the team exist? What does it try to achieve? 10 mins

  • Behaviors: Identify the key desired behaviors that support the team to reach its objectives. 10 mins

  • Impact: Potential positive or negative impact of implementing certain behaviors. This assessment includes the impact on the organization's objectives, people involved, stakeholders, and customers. Also, determine how can you measure the impact. 10 mins

  • Sustainability: How the team or leadership will support the sustainability of the desired behaviors? Frequent positive feedback, trainings, incentives, etc? 10 mins

  • Values & Rules: What are the core values of the team that your share and want to pay attention to in order to preserve them in the long term? What are the basic rules that you want to agree on? How are you going to work together, how will you make decisions, how do you provide feedback to each other, and how are you going to reflect on teamwork? 10 mins

  • People & Roles: What are the names and roles of each member? 10 mins

  • Strengths (& Assets): What are your strengths: things that would move you forward? Skills that make the team stand out, that help you to achieve your goals. 10 mins

  • Weaknesses (& areas to develop): What are your weaknesses: things that would hinder you? What are the missing pieces that threaten the delivery or fruitful cooperation of your team? 10 mins


Vargyai Gábor image
Vargyai Gábor
Agile Coach / Agile Advocate@Principle Five
On a mission to build motivated individuals, motivated teams and provide them the environment, support and trust they need on their venture to get a bit better than they were yesterday. One step at a time. With 15 years of experience not only with Scrum, Nexus, Kanban but also with Business Agility and Enterprise Agility practices and tools, it is now time to give back to the community and create smart tools that might help you with your everyday challenges.
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