Seed Cards: Experience Design is All About Adjectives!


Seed Cards: It’s All About Adjectives! is a tool that helps design memorable experiences that stand out in the market. The tool was designed by Aga Szóstek, the author of "The Umami Strategy: Stand Out by Mixing Business with Experience Design" to help you to determine the qualities, which grasp the attention of your customers: qualities that differentiate your solution among those of your competition.

In the set, you will find 99 pairs of adjectives that are divided into three categories:

  • adjectives depicting physical qualities (P)

  • adjectives depicting cognitive qualities (C)

  • adjectives depicting social qualities (S)

The adjective cards are two-sided: on each side, you will find the traits that are opposite yet positive. They are designed in that way so you can avoid trying to build your experiences on the qualities that cancel each other out (e.g. traditionally modern).

You will also find templates and instructions for six workshop exercises using Seed Cards: It's All About Adjectives! They will aid you in the process of designing and evaluating the prototypes of your experiences. However, feel free to be guided by your invention and use the adjectives in your own way. The exercises include:

  • finding your competitive advantage

  • designing the character of your solution

  • ideating great ideas

  • developing your ideas into more ideas

  • selecting the most impactful ideas for your experience

  • improving and sharpening your ideas with customers


Aga Szóstek, PhD image
Aga Szóstek, PhD
The author of "The Umami Strategy"
Aga Szóstek is an author of "The Umami Strategy: Stand out by mixing business with experience design”, host of the Catching The Next Wave podcast and a creator of a family of tools called Seed Cards.
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