Scrum Event Satisfaction Retrospective
This retrospective aims to assess and improve our satisfaction with key agile events: Backlog Refinement, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.
Welcome to the Scrum Event Satisfaction Retrospective
Step 1: Rate Your Satisfaction
Choose an icon representing the event.
Place your icon on the "Meeting Satisfaction Line," ranging from "Does Not Meet Expectations" to "Exceeds Expectations."
Step 2: Feedback and Discussion
Answer two questions on sticky notes and place them below the Meeting Satisfaction Line.
Immediately after, engage in a brief discussion for each response, focusing on honest and constructive dialogue.
Encourage open conversation to understand different perspectives.
Step 3: Repeat for Each Agile Event
Perform Steps 1 and 2 for each event, in the following order
Backlog Refinement
Sprint Planning
Daily Scrum
Sprint Review
Sprint Retrospective
Step 4: Identify Focus Areas and Plan
After reviewing all events, identify either
Common themes that emerged across different events.
The event rated as least satisfactory to focus on for improvement.
Develop an action plan targeting these areas.
Maintain honesty and constructiveness in feedback.
Show respect for all opinions and encourage full participation.
Use this opportunity to enhance the effectiveness of our agile events.
Together, let's elevate the quality of our events!
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