Retro on Mars
Will humans travel to Mars in the near future? Maybe. Until that happens, we can still very quickly (and virtually) visit Mars for a retrospective with our entire team. Let's get started!
For the icebreaker, think about if you could name the first city on Mars, what would you call it? Get your team to add their answer as a post-it note.
What went well?
You might be familiar with this part of a retrospective. Make notes on what went well in the past sprint and discuss these points with your team members.
What didn't go well and actions
As a team, make notes of what didn't go well in the last sprint. Based on what didn't go so well, come up with possible actions to take as a team. Limit the total actions to either two or three, though, because having too many actions may not always be a good thing.
Place a planet on the feedback scale below
It's time for a quick post-retrospective check-in. Based on how your team thought the retrospective went, ask them to pick a planet and place it in the orbit of their choice.
That's it. Happy retrospective!
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