OKR Canvas [Sooner Safer Happier]
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An OKR Canvas helps teams to write a well-structured outcome hypothesis with leading and lagging key results. Follow the numbers (1 to 5). Complete it with a multi-disciplinary team (biz, product, engineering) aligned to the flow of value and the customer over a role-based silo.
Quarterly OKRs should align with an Annual OKR.
No more than 5 Key Results are recommended.
Expect to get it 'wrong' the first time. Experiment, learn, fail fast, and enjoy the journey!
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Jon Smart
Co-founder@Sooner Safer Happier
Co-founder and CEO of Sooner Safer Happier Ltd., lead author of the award winning and best selling ‘Sooner Safer Happier’.
Business agility leader & coach, supporting organisations to deliver better value, sooner, safer & happier.
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