Meddlers Game


Facilitate discussions about organizational structures where multiple teams are working on multiple projects.

Meddlers, named after a popular German board game, is a great change management practice played at the Management 3.0 Foundation Workshops. The exercise allows players to visualize and discuss organizational structure in a way that matches the concept of value networks. It lets you work together as a team to determine your own roles as you’re managing change within your organization.

Meddlers are one of the many Management 3.0 activities that offer you tools and frameworks in order to arrive at your own solutions so that you can take them back to your office.

Organizational structure significantly impacts how an organization works and how people feel about the hierarchy and communication it encourages or hinders.


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Management 3.0
Professional Training & Coaching
Management 3.0 is a movement of innovation, leadership and management. Management 3.0 is redefining the definition of leadership with management as a group responsibility.
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