Imposter Syndrome - Team Workshop

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The "Imposter Syndrome Team Workshop" is designed to help team members identify, acknowledge, and manage imposter syndrome (IS). Imposter syndrome is a behavioral health pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as a "fraud," despite evidence of their competence. This workshop aims to create a supportive environment where participants can share their experiences, learn from each other, and develop strategies to cope with IS.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Introduction and Working Agreement (5 minutes)

    • Begin by explaining the objective of the workshop.

    • Establish a working agreement focusing on openness, empathy, courage, confidentiality, equal voice, and psychological safety.

  2. Individual Reflection (10 minutes)

    • Participants grab a lane and add sticky notes with examples of when they've experienced imposter syndrome.

    • Reflect on the following prompts:

      • How did you feel in the moment?

      • What were your thoughts at the time?

      • How did it impact you?

      • How did you overcome or manage it (if you were able to)?

  3. Group Sharing and Brainstorming (20 minutes)

    • Break participants into small groups of 3-4 people.

    • Each person shares their examples and reflections.

    • Discuss as a group ideas to overcome/manage some of the examples.

    • Add sticky notes with practical steps, mindsets, self-care practices, or resources that can help.

  4. Gallery Walk (10 minutes)

    • One person from each small group shares the key takeaways from their group discussion.

    • Identify common triggers and 3-4 coping strategies that resonated most with the group.

  5. Action Planning (2 minutes)

    • Each participant writes down one action they will take based on the workshop discussion.

  6. Closing (3 minutes)

    • Thank attendees for their courage and openness.

    • Share additional resources and books.

    • Revisit the team's Working Agreement to incorporate learnings from the workshop.

Who Will Find This Board Useful?

  • Teams and Organizations: Looking to foster a supportive environment and address imposter syndrome collectively.

  • Agile and Scrum Masters: To use within their Community of Practice (may also use "Imposter Syndrome - Scrum Master Workshop" in Miroverse.

  • Individual and Team Coaches: Seeking to provide targeted support for managing imposter syndrome.

  • High-Achieving Individuals: Across various fields who may struggle with feelings of inadequacy despite their success.


TJay Gerber image
TJay Gerber
Sr. Scrum Master@CNO Financial
TJay is based in Colorado and when not coaching his teams, he's outside skiing, mountain biking, or trail running with his wife and son.


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