Identifying Assumptions


Use our Discovering Assumptions with Story Mapping Template on Miro to effectively map out user roles and journeys, helping you identify and address key assumptions that can impact your project outcomes. This template aids teams in visualizing the steps users take and the expectations they have, making it an essential tool for anyone involved in user experience design or product development.

Template Features:

  • User Role Identification: Clearly define different user roles to customize the story mapping process.

  • User Journey Mapping: Detail each step of the user journey, identifying important interactions and decision points.

  • Assumptions Identification: Record assumptions for each part of the user journey, highlighting areas for further investigation and validation.

Strategic Story Mapping Process:

  • Team Collaboration: Bring together all project stakeholders to contribute to the mapping process, enhancing the depth and breadth of insights gathered.

  • Interactive Mapping Tools: Use Miro’s dynamic features to adjust and expand user journeys and assumptions as new information is acquired.

  • Critical Analysis: Systematically review and question the assumptions mapped out to ensure they are well-founded and actionable.


  • Reduced Project Risks: By addressing assumptions early, you can avoid potential pitfalls and enhance the likelihood of project success.

  • Deeper User Insights: Achieve a comprehensive understanding of your users by documenting how they interact with your product or service.

  • Improved Team Communication: Use the visual nature of the story map to keep team members and stakeholders aligned on user expectations and project goals.

Ideal for:

  • UX/UI Designers: Develop a deeper connection with your users by refining how their journeys are designed and implemented.

  • Product Managers: Align product features with actual user needs by understanding the underlying assumptions about user behavior.

  • Business Analysts: Provide targeted recommendations by analyzing the expectations and behaviors of different user segments.

Deploy our Discovering Assumptions with Story Mapping Template on Miro to build a solid foundation for your projects, ensuring that user needs and behaviors are at the heart of your development strategy.


David image
Product Leader@d-pereira
David Pereira is a product leader with 15+ years of experience. He's sharpened his skills by leading diverse teams, from startups to giant corporations. Since 2020, he has openly shared his mistakes, failures, and insights on agile product management, reaching over 10 million readers worldwide. His thought-provoking courses had 15K+ satisfied students across 100+ countries. Let his unique expertise inspire your journey.
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