Identify Team or Personal Values


In this team or individual exercise, you will be guided through some rapid introspection to define your values. Use it for new years resolutions, team building exercises, or at any point of your self-discovery journey.

For teams it is useful to know in which direction you should pull together.

Individually, becoming intimately familiar with your personal values helps in a multitude of ways: It's the foundation for reflecting on how your life is going, helps you identify discrepancies between where you are and where you want to be, and gives you confidence in pursuing what's important to you. Your values are your guiding light, particularly in turbulent times.

More practically, values also help you see what to say "no" to - a very helpful thing in our busy lives - and they help you make decisions by looking at which of the available options is most aligned with your stated values.

With this template, you'll pin down yours in a jiffy. I'm rooting for you!


Thomas Essl image
Thomas Essl
Head of Product Design
I'm a designer who writes. My major interests are in product development, creativity, and how to make being human a tad easier - all of which have found their way into my blog and podcast. I currently lead the Product Design team at a global advanced analytics consultancy in London.
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