Fridge Flow Metrics
What the Template is About
This template uses the analogy of a fridge to explain Flow Metrics, helping teams understand and manage their workflow better. By comparing work items to fridge contents, it simplifies the concepts of Work In Progress (WIP), Throughput, Work Item Age, and Cycle Time. The template is designed to facilitate workshops, making it easier for teams to grasp and discuss these metrics.
What it Helps You Achieve
The template helps you to grasp the concept of Flow Metric in a playful and human manner. The idea is to support you and your teams in preventing work items from becoming outdated or forgotten, much like preventing food from spoiling in a fridge. It aids in maintaining an optimal balance of tasks, improving flow efficiency, and ensuring timely completion of work items.
Who Would Benefit from It Most
This template is ideal for project managers, teams, and anyone involved in improving the flow of work. It's particularly useful for teams new to Flow Metrics, providing an engaging and relatable way to understand and implement these concepts.
How to use it
For detailed instructions on how to run the workshop, we have left a workshop guide in the Miro. If you want to dive deeper, feel free to check out the blog post supporting the workshop:
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