Five Questions to Measure Success


These 5 questions will help focus on outcomes over outputs, align your team on success, and identify ways to measure it. We first asked these questions in 2018 and have made them into a workshop, so you can ask them too.

When should you use them?

You should use them when setting direction for a new piece of work, changing direction or recalibrating. You can also revisit it when you are planning a new feature.

Who should be involved?

Include as many people who will be directly involved with the work as possible to align everyone around the outcomes. That is the delivery team, people they will be closely working or collaborating with, and sponsors for the work.

The Workshop Agenda

  1. Restate your vision

  2. Describe the change you desire: Ask the 5 success questions

  3. Theme your responses

  4. Simplify your outcomes

  5. Identify leading and lagging indicators

  6. Create your actions and next steps

What happens next

Use these outcomes to inform your planning.

Socialize your outcomes and how you'll measure them.

State these outcomes in your decks and at your Showcase.

Review and iterate when you need to.

Usage of this board

This board was created by Jamie Arnold and Emily Webber and is licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0

You can edit and use this board according to the license, but always credit it to Jamie Arnold and Emily Webber.


Emily Webber image
Emily Webber
Organisational consultant@Tacit
Agile, delivery & organisational consultant. Creating environments where people thrive so that organisations can too.
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