Community Manifesto


What this template is about

The Community Manifesto Template is a powerful tool designed to help communities articulate their shared values, goals, and vision

It provides a structured framework for community members to collaboratively define their purpose, core values, and desired impact.

Who this template is for

This template is ideal for community leaders, organizers, and members who want to establish a strong foundation for their community and align their efforts towards a common goal. It can be used by both new and existing communities seeking to clarify their identity, foster collaboration, and inspire collective action.

How to use this template

To use the Community Manifesto Template, follow these steps:

  1. Start by gathering a diverse group of community members who are passionate about shaping the community's direction.

  2. Begin by discussing and brainstorming the core values that define your community. Use the provided sections in the template to capture these values and their corresponding descriptions.

  3. Move on to defining the community's vision and purpose. Reflect on what you hope to achieve as a community and how you want to engage with each other.

  4. Explore the goals and impact you want to make as a community. Consider the outcomes you aspire to achieve and the positive change you want to bring to the world.

  5. Engage in open and inclusive discussions to refine and finalize the manifesto. Encourage feedback, collaboration, and iteration to ensure that the manifesto truly represents the collective voice of the community.

  6. Once the manifesto is complete, share it with the entire community to foster a sense of ownership and commitment. Display it prominently in community spaces and use it as a guiding document for decision-making and community initiatives.

What this template helps to achieve

By using the Community Manifesto Template, your community can create a clear and inspiring statement of purpose that will guide its actions, attract like-minded individuals, and drive meaningful impact. Embrace the power of collective intelligence and co-create a vibrant community that embodies the values and aspirations of its members.

Remember, this template is just a starting point. Feel free to customize it to fit the unique needs and characteristics of your community!


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