Business Model Canvas [Research]


Understand and drive focus towards key aspects of your business by using a Business Model Canvas. A Business Model Canvas acts as a reference throughout the creative process and testing so that your team can return to understanding features. A Business Model Canvas also helps you to compare the present and future states of the business or service. It is normal to find gaps within your first Business Model Canvas. To minimize them, compile initial research about a business and retrospectively fill in the information as the project progresses, or routinely repeat the activity to understand how the business landscape changes. It may be helpful to complete an Ecosystem map to understand the different business areas and a Business Model Canvas to understand the relationships and functions of the business areas.


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Strategic Design & Development Agency@Absurd
An agency of experts rolling up our sleeves to solve complex business problems and deliver scalable software applications. We care as much about the outcomes we design as how we deliver them.
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