2022 Review Retrospective


2022 is nearly gone, time to have some kind of review.

This is the 2022 Review Retrospective!

It is a complete template including

  • Agenda/Agreements

  • Warmup

  • Year Review

  • Feedback

It can be used with any team of any size, please read the detailled guidlines inside the board en feel free to modify this board as you need.

Credits go to Leadventure (https://www.leadventure.de) for the basic idea and The Noun Project (https://thenounproject.com) for the icons

Have fun



Robert Szuka image
Robert Szuka
Scrum Master@APA-IT
Former technician and product owner. Now for nearly three years a Scrum Master for mostly remote teams spread over two countries. Miro is the best way to facilitate remote meetings
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