Your Ideal City Icebreaker


Your Ideal City: A Fun Icebreaker Activity for City Lovers

Build your ideal city!

Take a moment to think about specific cities that you loved or long to visit.

What about these cities excite or move you?

Ever had that feeling that if only something changed in that city, that city would have been the perfect place to live or visit? 

In this fun icebreaker activity, participants get the chance to build their ideal city using a combination of different cities. Based on specific city dimensions, participants choose the city (or cities) that best represent their preferences and build a whole new city in their individual map canvas. The city dimensions covered in this activity include:

  • Food

  • Transit

  • Economy

  • Parks

  • Weather

  • Culture

  • Architecture

  • Buzz

  • Values

  • Location in the Globe

Participants fill up their canvas using the City Mapping Library to illustrate these cities and preferences! An example canvas has been filled out as well for reference and inspiration.

After participants have filled out their sheets, a group discussion is encouraged to hear the different things that people like about cities.


Multidisciplinary product strategist and researcher passionate about using data, technology, psychology, and human-centered design to solve problems and create compelling products and services. Based in London; Previously NYC & Berlin.
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