What I Need (W.I.N.) Manual - For Teams

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The W.I.N. manual for teams is a one-time lightweight reflection exercise that enables your team to gain clarity what you truly need to work together in the best possible way. It also provides a great basis for communicating your needs e.g. towards your managers, other departments or stakeholders.

As a bonus, you can set your team up for working together at a sustainable pace by checking and enhancing your team's W.I.N. manual from time to time.

Possible goals:

  • find out what each one of you (AND you as a team) needs to work (and live) at a sustainable pace

  • reflect together as a team in a focussed way

  • create a starting point for a discussion with stakeholders you collaborate with

Who benefits the most?

  • teams with people who bring a curious stance to this exercise

  • teams that frequently have more "tasks" than they can accomplish

  • all roles on cross-functional teams

How to use it?

  1. Experience the Individual W.I.N.-Manual, each one on their own

  2. Imagine your Team as a separate (virtual) person

  3. Collect ideas and thoughts for the Team-W.I.N. individually

  4. Craft the Team-W.I.N.-Manual together


  • agree on a first check and adapt the date together

  • place the W.I.N. manual somewhere visible in the (virtual) team room

  • see what changes evolve over the next 4-6 weeks

Don't forget to celebrate your progress AND your learnings along the way!


Cosima Laube image
Cosima Laube
((Technical) (Agile)) Coach, Principal@respectAndAdapt.rocks
I am independent and mainly work as agile leadership coach and socio-technical consultant. My foundations lay in software engineering, I/O psychology and professional solution-oriented & systemic coaching. To keep my balance I run, dance, ride my gravelbike and am a black cat's tin opener together with my partner.


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