Turning Feedback Into Action
1. What's the template about and what does it help you to achieve:
It helps you give objective feedback on team-specific processes/ways of working/etc. and turn it into up to 3 actionable items on as many topics of the said process.
2. Who would benefit from it most:
Teams that want to refine specific processes/ways of working or improve their work on a project.
3. How to use the template:
Template can be used by asynchronously working teams as well!
Pick a topic for the team to dive deeper into before you begin. This can be a recent project the team started working on or a specific process the team wants to improve. This is going to be the focus of the workshop, so deciding beforehand (maybe in a retrospective) is extremely important.
You can allow your team up to 10 minutes to arrive to the workshop by acquainting themselves with the introduction and the agenda. Feel free to speed this up and allocate the time differently, depending on the team.
Introduce the PIE model and allow time for the team to ask any questions that come up.
Give the team 15 minutes to deliver their feedback on the agreed focus area.
Next up, the team reads all entries, groups similar topics together and asks clarifying questions.
The team has to decide on the top 3 topics they’d like to discuss further and brainstorm ideas to improve the negatives and enhance the positives. (Depending on the votes, it can also be less than 3 topics.)
After this, it would be best to take a 10-minute break.
The team gets back together to discuss their top priority.
Depending on the topic and available time, this can last anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes.
The team brainstorms ways to improve the negatives and enhance the positives around this topic, and then picks a winning strategy/action.
There are two additional frames for up to two further topics, if needed.
After the team is clear on what their commitments are, they can discuss any hopes or concerns they have. Sometimes teams feel pressured to take action and this aspect gets overlooked, but I believe that addressing these can help some teams communicate more openly.
Next up there is one more frame explaining the benefits of giving feedback in an objective way. (Side note: I apologize for my Gimp skills but I love the dopey smile the monster has when we turn that frown upside down!)
If the team wants to, they can collect feedback on this workshop in order to improve their future meetings.
Feedback Monster thanking the team, because manners matter.
A frame crediting the miro assets, because giving credit matters.
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