Theory of Change Framework


Theory of Change is a tool more than a theory.

Like a roadmap, it shows you the best route to implement your vision of changes, as well as the forks in the road along the way.

The Theory of Change is a diagram, a model or a statement that illustrates the series of cause effect relationships between the activities of an organization, and its intended impact.

It indicates specifically the following :

  • What are the programs and activities that need to be carried out to achieve the outcomes?

  • What are the necessary resources (staff, skills, tools, financial) to do the work?

  • What is the external context or the ideal environment for the success of programs and activities?

  • What are the changes and obstacles in the way to achieving the intended impact?

A good Theory of Change is not an act of faith. It requires a reasonable logic — if possible – backed by data & indicating the direct relationship between the work of your organization, and its achieved outcomes.

The advantages of clarifying impact using a Theory of Change

  • Changes the conversation from « what we do » to « what we contribute to changing » and « how will we produce these changes »

  • Not all activities are worth investing in; they don’t all have the same value or impact.

  • Decision making tool.

  • Facilitates deeper strategic planning.

  • Clarifies the way to communicate your impact to current or potential partners/funders.

  • Creates an organisational and collective alignment.

Our goal is to increase an organization’s capacity for social innovation and impact.

Garrow&Evoy’s rich toolbox of skills has helped transform the non-profit and philanthropic sector in Canada. Our goal is to transfer this knowledge to people and organizations to effect social change.

Garrow&Evoy helps organizations define their objectives (internal and external) and develop the strategies that will meet them. We call this strategic clarity—it increases your organization’s capacity to make decisions, advocate for resources, resolve conflicts and adapt to change. Strategic clarity makes you more agile and resilient in both operations and expertise. Your organization gains credibility and legitimacy, which helps you raise funds for your work.

Theory of Change Framework © 2022 by Garrow&Evoy is licensed under CC BY 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit


Véronique Carbonneau image
Véronique Carbonneau
Coach in impact and strategic clarity@Garrow&Evoy
Based in Montréal, Québec, Canada / Part of the amazing MVP community program with Miro I am driven by curiosity, creativity and a commitment to the advancement of philanthropy, social economy, and social innovation. I have been working in the non-profit and social development sector since 2011. Garrow&Evoy’s rich toolbox of skills has helped transform the non-profit and philanthropic sector in Canada. Our goal is to transfer this knowledge to people and organizations to effect social change.
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