The Visual Agile Coach Team Alignment Flightpath
The Visual Agile Coach Team Alignment Flightpath
The Team Alignment Flightpath helps a team bring everyone together.
Why use the Team Alignment Flightpath
Take time to find out more about each other - what makes each team member tick (or not tick)
For recognising its individuals that make the team what it is / or can be
When to Create a Team Alignment Flightpath
Forming a baseline of trust by learning about each other
Shaping a team with shared values, needs and expectations
Defining team ways of working
Refreshing the team, checking back in with each other and the team goal
Visual Agile Coaching Tips
The Flightpath is inspired by Aerobatic Display Teams, as the individual pilots converge onto one aligned flightpath
Take the exercise seriously (or not!) Try plotting your flightpath with softer focus points or team ‘lifestyle’, ‘fun’ or ‘outside of work’ focus points
This tool can be used as a fun team building exercise. Extend the exercise to stakeholders and business partners.
Remember, team alignment isn’t easy, team dynamics need frequent fine tuning.
Visual Agile Coach Roles & Responsibilities
Coaching, Mentoring, Teaching
This tool and many more are available in the Visual Agile Coach Playbook available from online bookshops and at Amazon:
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