The Visual Agile Coach Meeting Solar System
The Visual Agile Coach Meeting Solar System
The Visual Agile Coach is on a mission to make meetings a positive experience. And useful.
Why we love meetings (correction: love good meetings)
Meetings are the real and visible artefacts of a culture, framework, way of working, environment and of an organisation.
In this ever-online world, meetings are where we – as humans – can interact, communicate, collaborate, confer and create.
Meetings can be used to create community, either in person and online.
When to Build the Meeting Solar System
Taking on or setting up a new team, function or business
Joining a new team, function or business
Creating a new system, environment, framework or ways of working
Agile start-ups or transformations
What is the Meeting Solar System for?
The Meeting Solar System is your pathway to forming a system, environment, framework or way of working.
Meetings can give pattern and cadence to new team or business function. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly meetings – all with a role and a purpose, can help embed structure.
A Meeting Solar system can be both permanent i.e. supporting a functional organisation or temporary i.e. a Release Train or programme. An Organisational Transformation can be driven by building a new Meeting Solar System.
Visual Agile Coaching Tips
Experiment – if a meeting isn’t working, discuss how it can be improved or whether it is needed – it’s OK to drop a meeting if it’s not adding value.
Visualising the number of meetings might be a shock. Seeing your full Meeting Solar System laid out in front of you do your say?
“Jeez we have a lot of meetings – let’s cut some out”
“We really don’t get together enough – lets book in some quality tome together!”
As an individual new to Agile it can be overwhelming – having the meetings and ceremonies visualised can help show where everything fits in the Agile universe.
When new to an organisation it’s not unusual to have no idea how it works or how to navigate it? Mapping out the organisation’s meetings can provide a navigational aid.
The types of meetings I.e. formal or informal in a Meeting Solar System can set the tone and culture of an organisation - that’s the power of its gravitational pull.
Reframe the ‘too many meetings’ discussion with the Meeting Solar System: It looks great too! Its eye catching, motivating, easy to understand and follow.
Visual Agile Coach Roles & Responsibilities:
Stakeholder Management
This tool and many more are available in the Visual Agile Coach Playbook available from online bookshops and at Amazon:
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