Product Squad Roles & Responsibilities
This template has been designed to facilitate discussions about who should be taking on what within a product squad. It will get people thinking about what responsibilties they are currently taking on and questionning whether that should sit with them or with someone else in the squad.
For existing squads, it is a way to review how you are working and reset to become more aligned with what everyone is doing. For entering a new squad, it is a way to set expectations of your role and what you expect from others to ensure everyone plays their part and knows how you can be there to help.
I have used this as a Product Manager, but in reality, anyone within a product squad can identify a need to run this session.
Laura McKendrick
Product Manager
I’m Laura, I’ve been a Senior Product Manager for nearly 6 years now and I love getting to the real problems that need solving. I’ve had experience product managing apps, websites and business tools, across different industries including e-commerce, tourism and employment. I’m a people pleaser, and found empathy as a strength in product management. By putting myself in the shoes of users and stakeholders, I have identified issues and opportunities, and improved how I communicate.
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