Team Pulse Check


Our most important asset in our projects is our team so we need to sustain them by checking in to ensure our team norms are effective! In just four steps you can get feedback from your team and really understand what it's going to take to course correct when there are issues.


In this short workshop you can have your team reflect on how we're walking the talk of our team charter, norms or corporate values. Then dig into root cause for complex issues, select the most appropriate actions and assign them to ensure we follow through.

This works because:

  • if you don't measure it you can't manage it!

  • having a focus on culture makes teams resilient

  • frequently checking in allows us to get ahead of issues in the team before they become a real problem

  • having the team do the root cause and action plan means they own solving the issue

How to Use

Use this at any stage of your project and even on a regular cadence so you can track performance over the duration of your project. For straight forward issues where you're team knows what needs to be done go from feedback to action. Add in the RCA and PICK chart when you're tackling more complex issues.

Don't forget private mode when your team dot votes!

Final Thoughts

Now you can get back to business! If you're looking for more collaborative techniques or want help setting up this workshop reach out at

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Project Management GameBoard
Project Management Consulting & Coaching
We are experienced project managers who use the Project Management GameBoard framework to identify areas to improve your projects and coach you through doing it! Whether you're an individual learning PM facilitation skills or an organization looking to improve we're here to help!
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