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The Purpose of this template is for you to map and align your team around a relevant strategic topic.

Are you and your peers aligned around your strategy, next workshop, or project launch? The Team Alignment template is for any team leader, project leader or manager in charge of getting everyone to contribute to the success of the team. The template offers a predesigned process and visual structure ensuring everyone has a shared view throughout a remote workshop while keeping a good pace with a high level of engagement.

The template has 11 steps:

  1. Agenda: Walk through the agenda so everyone understands the purpose, process and objectives of the workshop [5-10 min].

  2. Introduction: Make a short, compelling presentation to set the tone for workshop and its strategic topic [10-15 min].

  3. Check-in: Get everyone engaged from the start, by asking each participant to check in around the topic of the workshop [15-25 min].

  4. Introduction to exercise: Walk through the Strategy Canvas and its four questions [10 min].

  5. Create a visual language: Invite everyone to create a visual language around your strategic topic. This is serious fun which improves the quality of the conversations [20-30 min].

  6. Exercise (individual or in small groups): Each participant / participant group works with the Strategy Canvas [30-40 min].

  7. Presentations: Participants / participant groups present their strategies to each other [30 min].

  8. Synthesis: Facilitate a dialogue where the created Strategy Canvases are merged into one overall and shared strategy [20-30] .

  9. Debrief: Facilitate a dialogue around the results and map key insights, learnings and new questions [10-20].

  10. Check-out: Ask 1 or 2 check-out questions where participants voice their answers [10-15 min].

  11. Wrap-up and next steps: Thank everyone for their contribution and describe how the results are taken further [5-10 min].

Congratulations! Job well done.


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Visual Collaboration System™
Better Hybrid Collaboration@Bigger Picture
Bigger Picture is a strategy, learning, and design agency that loves visuals, great questions, and engaging dialogues. We make tools to bring great results while having serious fun. All templates, visual languages, and canvases created by Bigger Picture are part of the Visual Collaboration System™. Everything fits together. Want to talk? We partner with teams and large organizations looking for new ways of tackling complex challenges. Book a call or reach out: info [a]


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