Scrum Framework


Introduction: The Scrum Framework is a fun hands-on exercise that empower people to learn the various Scrum Artifacts, Events and Roles. Scrum has helped anyone building a product or service improve process efficiency by over 100% when following the Scrum guidelines.

  • Scrum has 3 roles: Scrum Master, Product Owner and Developers or anyone working on the agile team to deliver a working product or service at the end of the sprint. Each role has different responsibilities during the sprint.

  • Scrum as 5 events: Daily Scrum, Sprint Planning, Sprint, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective.

  • Scrum has 3 artifacts: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog and Product or Service Increment.


Nicholas Del Carlo, M.S. image
Nicholas Del Carlo, M.S.
Enterprise Agile
Hey there, my name is Nicholas Del Carlo and as an Enterprise Agile Coach I have coached teams across portfolios in various industries teaching scrum and seen amazing improvements from clients following the scrum recipe. This is no easy task depending on the culture of your organization, but I can ensure you positive results if you establish a strong foundation and encourage growth, communication, trust and transparency throughout the process. An agile transformation takes patience and practice.
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