Retrospective: The Offspring edition
Come out and play — another punk rock retrospective!
How to use this board:
Set the stage: Ask participants how they feel today
Gather insights: Did we 'Smash' the last sprint?:
Bad Habit
What Happened to You
Gotta Get Away
Something to believe in
Generate insights: I choose
use voting inside Miro
list all items the teams want to discuss ( doesn't have to be 45!)
Generate insights: All I Want.
Don't Pick it up: Where should we as a team keep our course What items should we leave out of our scope?
Change the World: Where should we as a team change our course
The Meaning of Life: What is our ultimate goal?
Cool to hate: What should we be wary of?
Decide: Stop-start-continue
Stop: what should we as a team stop doing
Start: what should we as a team start doing
Continue: what should we as a team continue doing
Evaluate this retrospective with a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ROTI
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