
  1. Each player rolls a dice in turn (TIP: Facilitator can use use this or other such online tool) and then the player moves their playing piece in a clockwise direction around the board.

  2. If the player lands on KEEP DOING / STOP DOING / DOING BETTER - write down one thing the team should Keep Doing / Stop Doing / Doing Better on the relevant sticky notes. Place it in the relevant column to the right of the playing board.

  3. If you land on SAY THANKS - take a moment and thank a teammate for something they did for you recently.

  4. If you land on GET ON STAGE - grab a card from the STAGE pile and "perform" the action for your teammates.

  5. If you land on RISKY BUSINESS - challenge one of your colleagues. A game/topic of your choice.

  6. If you land on ACTION POINT - lead a conversation into a topic from any of the three columns to the right. Roman Voting at the end of the allotted time. Record the actions that come from it.

  7. If you land on ONE TRUTH - tell your teammates one truth about you that they may not know.


Paul Snedden image
Paul Snedden
Agile Coach
G'day, I'm Paul from the country where it's always tomorrow. You'd know it as Australia. I'm an Agile Coach, helping teams think differently to solve problems. I became known as "The Miro Guy" quite by accident, but it's probably because I'm so passionate about how amazing the platform is.
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