Retro Remix: Journey
Don't stop believin' with this Retro Remix: Journey edition! Just like a wheel in the sky, this board template will take your team on a journey of reflection and improvement. Whether you're faithfully looking to reflect on your team's progress, open arms to identify areas for improvement, or separate ways to celebrate achievements, this template provides a structured framework that'll have your team lights running. So hold on tight, because we're about to take the midnight train to meaningful discussions and drive actionable outcomes!
How to use this template
1. Start with the Journey Single
Begin your retrospective session by playing the iconic Journey single. This will set the mood and create an engaging atmosphere for the discussion ahead.
2. Explore the discussion prompts
Next, make your way through the discussion prompts provided in the template. These prompts are carefully crafted to encourage participants to reflect on their journey, challenges faced, and lessons learned. Use these prompts as a starting point for open and honest conversations within your team.
3. Journey token dot vote
Following your discussion, use the tokens to dot vote for the most important/impactful tickets on our board. Use the outputs from this vote to make improvements and experiments.
4. Album award — rate the retro
To conclude your retrospective session, rate the retro section using the Album Award scale. From Gold to Platinum, and up to Diamond, drop a token on your rating for the return on time invested (ROTI) for the session. This will provide valuable feedback on the effectiveness of the retrospective and help you continuously improve future sessions.
Additional resources
For more information about the original template and additional resources, check out The Virtual Agile Coach's website. See more templates by The Virtual Agile Coach.
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