Pictionary in Miro | Team Game

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This is the miro-version of the popular game "Pictionary" wich workes with breakout frames. The artists are only allowed to use the pen-tool in miro.

This game can be played with 2 teams and up to 18 players (expansion possible).

You can watch a demo of a live-game I had recently -> click

How the game is played:

  • Find up to 9 words for each difficulty level: EASY, MEDIUM and HARD and write them on the sticky notes on the game board.

  • Cover the words with another set of sticky notes.

  • Have each player choose a team and write their name on the white sticky notes on the game board.

  • The player who draws reveals a sticky note of their choice and can (together with the team) decide what level of difficulty and points they want to play for.

  • Start the timer for (e.g.) 60 seconds, choose a piece of music and start it once everyone is ready.

  • The players who guess have (e.g.) 60 seconds to write their guesses on their blue sticky note.

  • At the end of each round, count the number of correct guesses and multiply by the difficulty points. Add the scores to the team scoreboard.

  • The teams alternate after each round, including the artist, so that each participant draws at least 1 time.

If any help is needed or for further questions, ideas and feedback:

Join the "Gamification with Miro | #Mirofication" Group in the community


Connect with and contact me on Linkedin

And Most Important: HAVE FUN! :D


Said Saddouk image
Said Saddouk
Facilitainer & Multipotentialite@theFacilitainer.com
Facilitainer ✨ 𝓜ember of the 𝓗uman 𝓡ace ✨ Multipotentialite Are you interested in learning how to create fun and engaging games and activities in Miro? Do you want to learn the basics of using Miro in a fun and entertaining way? Or do you want to learn how to create stunning visuals and art in Miro? Look no further! I am here to help you achieve your goals. Rgds Said - the Facilitainer


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