Pictionary in Miro | Team Game
This is the miro-version of the popular game "Pictionary" wich workes with breakout frames. The artists are only allowed to use the pen-tool in miro.
This game can be played with 2 teams and up to 18 players (expansion possible).
You can watch a demo of a live-game I had recently -> click
Find up to 9 words for each difficulty level: EASY, MEDIUM and HARD and write them on the sticky notes on the game board.
Cover the words with another set of sticky notes.
Have each player choose a team and write their name on the white sticky notes on the game board.
The player who draws reveals a sticky note of their choice and can (together with the team) decide what level of difficulty and points they want to play for.
Start the timer for (e.g.) 60 seconds, choose a piece of music and start it once everyone is ready.
The players who guess have (e.g.) 60 seconds to write their guesses on their blue sticky note.
At the end of each round, count the number of correct guesses and multiply by the difficulty points. Add the scores to the team scoreboard.
The teams alternate after each round, including the artist, so that each participant draws at least 1 time.
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