Parks and Recreation Retrospective


Welcome to your Parks and Recreation retrospective session! This board is designed to facilitate a productive and engaging retrospective discussion for product managers, engineers, and project managers.

About This Template

The Parks and Recreation Retrospective board aims to help your team reflect on the last sprint or project, identify areas of improvement, celebrate successes, and generate actionable insights for future iterations.

How to Use the Template

Follow the steps below to get the most out of this retro for you and your team.

1. Icebreaker activity

Start your retrospective session with the "ICEBREAKER" activity. Each team member selects one of the pyramids of greatness below and places it on the character they feel best reflects the last sprint.

Step 2: Dot voting for important tickets

After the icebreaker, use the "DOT VOTE" section to prioritize the most important tickets on the board. Team members can use the Ron Swanson name tag tokens to place their votes. This activity helps identify the key areas that require attention and discussion during the retrospective.

3. Discussion and feedback

Now that the initial activities are complete, it's time for the main retrospective discussion. Utilize the various prompts throughout the board to guide the conversation. Each prompt represents a different aspect of the sprint, such as what went well, what could have been improved, lessons learned, and ideas for experimentation. Encourage team members to contribute their thoughts, insights, and suggestions by adding sticky notes to the relevant sections.

4. Wrap-up and action items

As the retrospective comes to a close, summarize the key takeaways and action items generated during the discussion. Ensure that each action item is assigned to a responsible team member and has a clear deadline. This step ensures that the insights gained from the retrospective are translated into tangible improvements for future sprints or projects.

5. Rating the retro with ROTI assessment

Next, move to the "RATE THE RETRO" section. Here, team members rate the return on time invested (ROTI) based on the Knopes scale. Each person selects an icon representing their rating from 1 (Terrible) to 5 (Excellent) and leaves a sticky note with any feedback. This step allows the team to assess the effectiveness of the retrospective process itself and gather valuable feedback for improvement.


Dave Westgarth image
Dave Westgarth
Digital Delivery Manager@BJSS
Dave Westgarth is currently working as a Delivery Manager @ BJSS. He serves on software development, automation, cloud and AI/ ML projects across the spectrum of delivery approaches.
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