OKR Definition Workshop


Set your OKRs with your Team

Step by Step!

Setting OKRs is a collaborative process where teams come together to define their Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for a specific period, such as a quarter. It is usually organized through a workshop where participants discuss and define their main goals aligning them with the overall strategic objectives of the organization.

How to run an OKR Definition workshop

There are many ways to organize an OKR Definition workshop. It can last from 2 hours to 1 full day. It can be done in one session or several. It depends widely on team size, maturity and the complexity of the strategy execution involved. The below serves as a skeleton to engage a given team in the OKR Definition. Timings are indicative and to be adapted based on the above elements.

Follow this instructionsto make the most out of this template!

Step 0 - Strategic Brief: The team leader will share about strategic context.

Step 1 - What Matters Now: What would be the ideal situation at the end of the next cycle. what would you have achieved. Make it open and allow everyone to share as many thoughts as they want. 15 min contribution. 15-30 min debrief.

Based on the strategic brief, project yourself at the end of the cycle and visualize success! This has been the best cycle ever, what have you accomplished?

Group them into clusters

Step 2- Focus & Refine: Out of all the elements shared, do you identify clusters? Out of all these clusters, what is really the essential? Why? As a team, identify and qualify 1 to 3 Objectives. 15-45 min.

Among these accomplishments, what are the 2-3 most important ones?

  1. Cluster the accomplishment per themes

  2. Vote for the most important ones

  3. Select 1 to 3 for the next cycle

  4. Turn it into an Objective

Step 3 - Measure Success: For each objective, identify most meaningul outcomes that will indicate you are progressing towards your goals. 30-120min

For each Objective, identify the metrics of success

  1. For each Objective, document the best way to measure success

  2. Pick the 1 or 2 best metric per objective

Step 4 - Wrap Up: Confirm with everyone that all essential elements have been identified. Get everyone buy in and define next action points.

Double check on your OKRs. Do they address all the key questions below?

  1. If yes, Good.

  2. If no, iterate until answer to all question is yes.

Happy OKRing!


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OKR Coach@OKRmentors
OKRmentors: Your passport to unlocking the power of OKRs, leveraging a global community of experts dedicated to amplifying your professional impact through certified OKR trainings.
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