Journey to the CTR of the Earth Retro

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Retrospectives can be fun! In this retro your team sets of on a journey to the center of the earth. Are you ready for this adventure? Well then, gear up and abseil down!

Remember, a retrospective is anytime your team reflects on the past to improve the future. Emphasize the Prime Directive and the Vegas Rule at the beginning of your retrospective!

How to use this retrospective board

Step 1: Gear up!

  • Let everyone grab a backpack, put their nametags on it and gear up.

Step 2: Explore the cave!

Find the questions, answer them individually and discuss as a group. Challenges are

  • Unblock pathways

  • Sharpen tools

  • Break routines

  • Party hard for great work

Step 3: Write diary entries!

  • Review your notes and ideas from the previous step.

  • Write a list of possible experiments and tasks.

  • Let your team choose 1 to 3 of them.

Step 4: Get feedback!

  • Let your team rate the retro. Did they find value in it?

Remember to regularly check progress of tasks & experiments in your next iteration and at the beginning of the next retro.

Have fun and improve!


Stephan Zimmermann image
Stephan Zimmermann
Agile Coach / Scrum Master@Qudosoft
Stephan currently works as an Agile Coach and Scrum Master at Qudosoft supporting teams to master their demanding tasks by promoting communication, supporting personal development and improving collaboration. Together with the teams he strives for self-organisation and high performace. Stephan is always looking for new ideas and impulses for his work.


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